Speedferries down the pan?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2636
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Deleted member 2636

If you are travelling by Speedferries it may be as well to check your reservation


bet P&O, Brittany etc are larfing their bits off. All the other operators did their utmost to sink SF - looks like they may have succeeded.
SF did more to force down the prices than anything else. Pity they appear to have gone because they were looking at the Western Channel next
As Speedferries has only one ship in their fleet ("Speed One"); it seems they are out of competition at least temporarely. Speedferries was to cheap and too fast for the others :(
Only hope the French are putting the competitors ships at the chain too when they don't pay their bills and isolate the continent from Britain :eek::D
Unscrupulous French

LD Lines is a French Ferry company with heavy political connections to the ruling classes. This action against Speed Ferries is typical of French economic nationalism giving a leg up to a favoured local company about to start competing. I for one will never spend another penny that could find its way to the coffers of the poxy Boulogne chamber of commerce.
LD Lines is a French Ferry company with heavy political connections to the ruling classes. This action against Speed Ferries is typical of French economic nationalism giving a leg up to a favoured local company about to start competing. I for one will never spend another penny that could find its way to the coffers of the poxy Boulogne chamber of commerce.

If what you say is correct and I have no reason to doubt you, then one would also find that activities of Brittany Ferries does not bear close examination - level playing fields anyone?

we are in Europe, so just use the cheapest ! otherwise if you feel that strongly then stay in the UK ! :confused:
we are in Europe, so just use the cheapest ! otherwise if you feel that strongly then stay in the UK ! :confused:

The point that we are making is that Speedferries were the cheapest.
Itwa sdue to the actions of this company that cross-channel fares came down. I would not be surprised to see them go up again
we are in Europe, so just use the cheapest ! otherwise if you feel that strongly then stay in the UK ! :confused:

I use the cheapest but not at the expense of a company that suffers discrimination, Free trade is great but the French of not heard of it. LD Lines make their money from contracts ranging from defence to power generation. They don't care if their ferries make money or not, since it is all about sucking up to French cabinet ministers. Where does that leave Speed Ferries that may have once fleetingly seen Lord Mandelson at a party chatting to a Russian billionaire?

Have you actually been on LD lines and dealt with the surly staff that serve up grey "boarding school" peas one hour after boarding (and not a minute before):mad:? Have you wondered about the quaint dated reception areas eternally roped off to reduce cleaning requirements. or wondered about new ferries that look 20 years out of date a week after they have been launched? These are not people worried about the economics of crossing.

So what is the sarcastic stuff about staying in the UK again? :mad:
My experience of Speed Ferries...

Sailed with them 3 times without problem then on the 4th occassion I was stopped at check-in and told my Autosleeper was too wide. It was duly measured and declare to be 3cm over the max width. I explained that the ship was < 1/2 full and I had negotiated the car deck without problem in the past.
"Don't matter - rules is rules". Great business culture :mad:
Got a full refund and sent packing to Norfolk Lines who, reasonably enough, charged me an extra £100 for the late booking. Sorry for any customers who lose money but I relish the idea of the check-in gestapo on the wrong side of a Job Centre desk.

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