Speed stickers on back of MoHo


Full Member
You often see 'vans with 80, 90 100 Kph Speed stickers on foreign vans, anyone know the what why and rules on these, I assume it's only for Johnny foreigner :confused: But when do they have to have them?
The stickers you are referring to are 80, 100 and 110 KPH and apply to motorhomes and goods vehicles over 3,500 GVW.

They are to be fitted on the rear european offside ( our nearside ) either vertical or horizontal in ascending order from bottom to top or left to right respectively.
The stickers you are referring to are 80, 100 and 110 KPH and apply to motorhomes and goods vehicles over 3,500 GVW.

They are to be fitted on the rear european offside ( our nearside ) either vertical or horizontal in ascending order from bottom to top or left to right respectively.

But the one of the speed limits is now lower for over 3,500 GVW, 70.

Do they now have to be 50, 70, 110?

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