Spain - favoured supermarkets?


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Generally we will Google earth to locate supermarkets close by that have a large Motorhome friendly car park. The overhead sun shades that many Spanish car parks have can make spotting a suitable parking space a little tricky at times. And then there are the height barriers that some of the bigger mall type shopping centres have that are tricky to spot with Google earth. And timing can be essential also as you want to visit during a quieter period. Google reviews helps with this. And of course you have to look for kerbs and obstacles that can make manoeuvring large motorhomes problematic.

Anyway having said all this this is our preferred list:-

Aldi or Lidl for vegetarian stuff, dairy, bread and booze (reasonable priced vegetarian range but limited. Other supermarkets seem to charge double. dairy competitive, bread fresh, decent wine from €1.80 a bottle and spirits from €5 upwards)

Mercadona for fresh food fruit veg meat chicken (lasts longer and pricing similar to above)

Carrefour for sugar free treats and also bread (better range than Aldi Lidl if happen to be passing)
We tend to use Mercadonna since they increasingly are opening out of town stores. I generally google and look at streetview since in the past some had height barriers. Last year it was noticeable that they were beginning to offer some Motorhome parking in their carparks.

We tend to visit Northern Spain from Jaca to the Atlantic coast at Vigo and as far south as Pamplona, Burgos and Zamora.

Other stores are visited as needed and parking opportunity offers. Normally don’t use Aldi or Lidl.

We use lidl as generally cheaper and quality ok for us. Having said that all prices going up. Parking can be hit or miss depending on town.
Yes Ken, we like guvnor as our special occasion wine , plenty of others in lidl under 2 euros for weekday wine.
Funny how we have ended up with the same choice Mercadona. We find so much we like in there and it’s clean. We love the Cream Lemon 🍋 Cello like Baileys but lemon flavour. The wine we get is Dominio De Borgia in the plastic bottles but much to his nibs disappointment I will now try the above in glass bottles 😂😂😂
Lidl, Dia and then Mercadona in that order. The Mercadona always gives me the impression of upmarket shopping. (y)
mercadona for guvnor red wine €2:85 majestic in the uk do a poor copy for about £8
Second that but it has risen to a crushing €2.95 in our local Mercadona. Best not advertise it too much else it will get even more expensive……. I suppose that’s the European wide cost of living crisis for you.
in portugal pias is a district wine ie bordeaux douro etc intermarche portugal do a version in a purple box that is very drinkable 5 of us polished off 4 litres after a barbie the other day & at €7:49 for 5 litres it’s top of my shopping list will nip over the border on monday for a couple more boxes
Mercadona for fresh food and quicker service though the check out tills

Lidl for gin and tonic :)

We find Lidl to be cheaper but it's always crammed near the check outs.

If touring, we'll stop at the nearest one we can find and suitably park up at.
We are off now to buy some guvnor wine. Will feed back our thoughts later.

It will give me some idea as to how good wildcamper wine recommendations are!

As for the gin can’t beat Aldi/Lidl for this. Currently on the Schwicks Orange flavoured distilled gin from Aldi at €8.99 a bottle and it compares favourably with Tanqueray at twice the price or three times the price in the U.K.!
We found in small towns that Aldi and Lidl, as later comers, are more likely to be on the edge of town, and thus have bigger car parks with less activity, and well suited to eating your fresh breakfast rolls there without feeling stupid. Also nice loos, next to the door; all good for "leave early" wildcamping.
We found in small towns that Aldi and Lidl, as later comers, are more likely to be on the edge of town, and thus have bigger car parks with less activity, and well suited to eating your fresh breakfast rolls there without feeling stupid. Also nice loos, next to the door; all good for "leave early" wildcamping.
Useful tip for the out of hours parking in smaller supermarket car parks and most if not all close at 8pm and all day Sunday. As you say you can pop in and get your morning baguette.

One of the more frustrating things about all U.K. supermarket car parks are all the parking restriction signs that you see for 1.5hours, 2 hours, 3 hours, etc for car parks that are empty overnight.

Don’t seem to get any of this in France and Spain.
Watching Newcastle v Liverpool drinking Mercadonna Guv’nor wine. Pope just sent off.

Excellent wine so thumbs up for the wildcamper wine tips!

Even Mrs Moped likes it and she can be a bit picky when it comes to wine. Although by Spanish standards we are having an expensive wine at €2.85 a bottle.

Deep fruity flavour with no aftertaste and 14% proof. Might be a bit strong alcohol wise for some though.

Any more wine tips?
There is another called I think little red riding hood , mercadonna again I think which we ha e on special occasions. Normally our weekday wine is Vespral from Lidl .Cheap but nice although not an expert.

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