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:welcome:We will be in south port 21st for approx 4 days any ideas where to wild camp. also any one welcome for a meet up Merv brandyman
Hi. We see motorhomes regularly parking up at the car park for the bird watchers on the marine drive. If travelling from the north, take the coast road towards southport. The pier is in the distance and the car park is on your right, straight after the pelican crossing. It is on the poi's on this site. Also can park up near the pier, and the fairground let you park up in their carpark for the night, but they sometimes charge. Hope you have a good time.


Hi Angela many thanks for information sounds good I take it you live in area or know it well are there any toilets near also Caravan /camping club site. many thaanks for help must update my sat nav ..Merv :boat:
Yes we live in Southport. Nearest toilets probably about 2 miles down road, behind cinema, or a touch nearer at Mc Donalds. There is a caravan club site about 2 miles further on, again near the front, but no caravan and camping club site near.
Once again many thanks for your help.
Call along to see us you will be more than welcome.
There's always a kettle on the stove and a dram in the bottle. Merv.
You can stop at Tarleton Bowling Club for £5 per night where you can use the clubhouse fascilities and get water and empty your toilet. A bus stop will take you to Southport or Preston. Just ask for the steward who will accept the fee.
If you want a site very close to southport centre then you can't be any closer than the local scout headquarters near the pier. It has good pitches and a toilet block.

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