FWIW, I am currently logging my
Solar PV Setup. Got 4 months data to date (started end of September last year).
Adjusting the data to ignore time in Float (as could have thousands of Watts but if batteries full, nowhere for that harvesting to go so no power produced) and am seeing a very low average for January - just 2.5% of potential maximum.
However a factor in that is I am in Scotland, and parked directly North of a 3-Storey House with a large tree to the east so my shading is significant, plus this is the
average across the entire daylight hour duration so includes from dawn to dusk (in January, "Daylight" lasted 7.9 Hours). The maximum peak harvesting during the day in January was actually 30% (the average daily peak was around 10%)
(lots of numbers, but I just like to analyze how things are working)
What to Expect in the summer?
On my previous Camper I had a pair of 100W Panels, flat mounted on the roof and each feeding into an input into the PI25/C MPPT Controller.
I took this photo on the 12th August at 12:40 near Harrogate, Yorkshire, where I was parked up for the weekend at a Festival:

T5 Solar Panels by
David, on Flickr
So bringing in around 92% of maximum potential at the time of the photo.
There was a lot of clouds, but also pretty windy so the harvesting fluctated a lot as the clouds blocked the sun then cleared, but I do remember seeing slightly over 100W momentarily a couple of times when I was checking the meters.