Collected the solar panel and charge controller yesterday and just opened the boxes. Given the amount of stuff that's made in China these days you would think there woudl be a good market for someone to translate intructions into real English, but they don't seem to bother as long as they are selling you there goods. I bought locally, so at least I can phone up the supplier if I get stuck, but I still think that for what it would cost they could at least make the effort to translate, especially the bit about not connecting the panel without covering it first, which doesn't appear in the instructions and which wouldn't have occurred to me if I hadn't been told.
At least now I've got the panel, but am not looking forward to working on a roof which is moving 9 feet off the ground...
At least now I've got the panel, but am not looking forward to working on a roof which is moving 9 feet off the ground...