So little time, so much to do.


As you may have noticed I'm off to France soon, except that I haven't booked the ferry yet, need to up my leisure battery size or fit a solar panel, not to mention running through the checklist of items legally required in France. I rang Vicarious books this morning and should have my Aires book tomorrow.

I had intended to set out tonight for Stratford Show, but my nose started a bleeding this afternoon and Pink wasn't about this time so I couldn't blame her. This is getting to be a nuisance, so I've booked into the doctors tomorrow before I head off. This being the case I need to sort out medical insurance tomorrow morning in case he refers me to hospital and I have to add that to the form. Until I actually thought about it today I hadn't realised how much I needed to do, so the show may go by the board to give me time to sort everything out.

I've also been hanging on to get money sorted in case the Greek election pushed the rate even higher and I lost money on the deal.
I hope your doctor mnages to sort you out. Your health is the most important thing.
and buy your aires book in the supermarkets in france .not here in uk . far cheaper in france. you might need it but its another world over there.
Not sure yet.

We're going via DFDS to Dunkirk, then heading off from there. One thing I learnt last time I drove in France is that it's easy to underestimate how far apart places are. Our only real constraint is having to meet our daughter at a Ryanair airport which has yet to be decided, so she can come back on the ferry with us after a week's touring on the way back.
dont plan drive slowly .dont use toll or motorways . visit every village thats the best way .its not a race . every village is full of history etc . you may call into a villagre for fuel and still be there a week later . they are so friendly . even better if you drive/ride something different. i think theres more english bikes in france than here .
That's what I'm planning to do.

I'll probably visit an ex-colleague in Averton at some point, then wander round aimlessly. I'd like to visit a few specific places, such as Agincourt, the Ardeche to look at the prehistory museum and possible the first world war battlefields if we have time, but I'm the only driver, so won't be rushing anywhere.
Hope it all comes together very have a wonderful time!..not sure you can take your supply of smoked sausages over there though lol..and, I deny all knowledge of insinuated cause of nasal bleeding...think you,ve just been overdoing the picking!!;)
play a game no tolls no m,ways .no dual carriage ways if there is a small road going in the same direction . and how slow can we go .
you do get to see alot more that way. but next time just get to brittany its great there . every thing you need and its not france ./
My wife suffers from chronic nose bleeds, she gets them everyday, sometimes as much as 3 pints (she lost 5 pints once in one go!). She has a condition called HHT which is quite rare and needs regular transfusions. More common causes are polyps which can be treated with steroids or laser treatments, your doctor should be able to make a quick diagnosis.
Nose bleeds and Brittany

I hadn't had a nose bleed since I was a kid, until the morning I had to sign my pension papers. It started without warning as I got up, took two hours to stop and then came back with a vengeance as I was walking into the shopping centre in Wolverhampton. I arrived at the pensions office bleeding profusely and looking like I'd been attacked. So much for good samaritans, nobody asked if I was alright as I bled my way across the shopping centre, but the staff in the pensions office were brilliant, letting me use an office and calling their first aider. My GP thought it might be the nasal spray I use for hay fever, but the new one started it again last week.

I think we are going to head for Brittany initially, then move on to pick up our daughter if she comes and head back through France at the end of July.
When we were in Normandy I loved the 'Bocage' country, which reminded me of what Britain used to be like in the 50's and 60's, so I'm going to turn right off the ferry and head along the coastline, which will keep us close enough to the sea to live off seafood, which we both love.

Just about to sort out medical insurance and book the ferry, then I can concentrate on technical matters, which reminds me. Do I need a different EHU in France, or are the normal ones standard for EHU supplies?
Vannes looks well worth a visit.

If only for the smoked duck breast. We both love smoked food and one of the highlights of our last trip to France was the availability of good fresh ingredients. We've got a month, so plenty of time to dawdle, I'd like to re-visit Mont St Michel, so we'll follow the coastline round to Brittany, then of course there is the Bretagne music to look forward to.
and the thoughtful french,seeing the steep climb through the town to the strangest junk shop i've seen,kindly provide a defibrillator on a post in the market place!
Your welcome, glad you had a lovely day. Photos look just like picture postcards! Beautiful! I,ve visited La Rochelle as a cruise stop off but would love to take my daughter to visit our namesakes..Lorraine and Brittany..looking forward to Bushtrekkers updates when hes over there too

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