My thoughts for what they are worth,
It seems these days everyone expects to be able to drive everywhere, The side roads were never gritted when I was a kid and asking my dad this week (72) he remembers when very few roads were gritted in the 1960's. Fewer people drove cars and those that did either had snow chains or a second set of winter tyres or they just did not drive in snow. People cleared their drives and pavements and the shop keepers did the same, they did not expect the council to do it for them.
People walked to work when it snowed simplz.
Having said that I have enjoyed listening on the radio to the self righteous workaholics spouting off about lazy people taking a couple of days off because of an unprecedented snow event that happens once in a lifetime, these same people will no doubt be using up our resources to have their ulcers and heart conditions sorted because they can't relax and take a couple of days off to play with the kids in the snow, I actually find myself feeling sorry for them, I was one until recently. My parents have a saying ‘Make the most of it’
It also seems to me that perhaps it’s these same people that have been blocking up roads with abandoned cars and preventing the gritters and emergency services from getting where they need to be. When they say essential travel only does this include work? for me this means only doctors, nurses and those with this type of job should be attempting to get to work regardless of the weather and for that they need a bloody medal.
I do feel for those with their own business, I know our company normally moves about 250,000 parcels a night, last Friday it was 56,000. But we simply closed down depots and sent as many staff home as possible. Why waste energy both physical and mental fighting nature, your going to loose. The weather will get better and then we will need our energy to sort out the mess left behind.
Just my thoughts, no doubt not all will agree