simple crazy but it works.


hi all, for 2 seasons i was driven mad by the toilet roll unwinding off the holder whilst driving and being all over the floor. i did everything i could think of to stop it,elastic bands wrapped round,wedges of wood jammed in it,taking it off the holder and stowing on the shelf over the bog, everything i could think of, then one day mrs. wintergreen solved the problem,she stood on it by accident,and there on the floor was the answer....stand on it and make it oval so it carnt rotate on the holder.
it was never a big prob but it got to me...hope it helps someone else.
have fun....john
hi. if you ever get to buy another toilet roll holder get the sort that swings . if its resting against the wall it cant spin. i go all over up mountains across deserts off road tracks asnd it works brilliant. loks so plain and boring and cheap. but is the way to do it. simplisity works every time.
We had a problem with our kitchen roll unwinding and landing in the sink and getting wet while we were travelling.

The wife ( it's always the women who find these solutions!! ) fixed it by tucking the roll end into the cardboard tube.

Job done, no more soggy kitchen roll!
We had problems with the pieces of newspaper falling off the nail while travelling. A clothes peg clipped onto the end of the nail works a treat.
For all the ladies out there, also squash the toilet rolls at home, the men then can't pull half off in one go!:lol-053:
We had problems with the pieces of newspaper falling off the nail while travelling. A clothes peg clipped onto the end of the nail works a treat.

Pieces of newspaper, you were lucky, when I were a lad we just 'ad a few leaves and a bucket o' sand.
where i lived they would have nicked the bucket AND sand :wacko:

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