should i or shouldnt i..??


Full Member
Im seriously thinking of letting my rented house go and invest in a secondhand motorhome big enough for me to live in for a year or two. I left my other half last year after 7yrs with nothing and have furnished said house with things from auction room on the cheap so i will not be losing anything of value. As i see it i could only gain bill wise. Those who have met me will know i have a couple of logistical issues when it comes to wilding or living in a motorhome full time but...I also feel its now or never for me personally to give it a go. I have family around the country that can put me up in times of difficulty and my mum that i could winter with if necessary. Its always been a dream of mine but im wondering if ive left it too late..??
Does anybody else have a disability but still wild camps irregardless..??
Or am I just mad for thinking I can do it..??
the only problem i forsee is getting medical attention when you need it as your medical records are not with you heaven forbid something should this happen and then you need medical attention and the delay in getting hold of medical records and getting regular meds if you have to take them daily i felt likje that after splitting from my partener would love to leave all this behind but just cant at moment as medical need outwiegh me doing that
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If it's always been your dream kid then you must go for it. Otherwise you will wonder "what if" for the rest of your life. You have a lot of work to do though, much more than the rest of us. I for one will be awestruck!:bow:
Why not let your house out on a six month, short term contract, for starters and see how things go? I wish you well whatever you decide
I am lucky not to be on any meds its just a physical thing with me... and ive never let that stop me but i have to admit that now im older i think more before i do
But now i dont have the constraints of bringing up a family, (thats been done with great success of that i am proud..!) I have spent so many years in the married, Jeremy kyle wilderness I need to get back to my devil care attitude and life is a gamble and one worth living.
He inspires everyone. especialy if you'r paying for his beer. :lol-049::cheers::cheers:
I agree with him and a PM is on its way.
You just never know whats round the corner it worked for me in the end but hard to start with but i just found that staying in the UK it would not work out so i came over here and not looked back. What ever you decide to do i wish you all the luck :wave:
Im not brave enough to drive on the wrong side of the road on my own just
But id be well up for a convoy that i could follow for my first time..!!
i'm afraid my answer to this sort of question is always the same,go for it.if its in your head like rt says it'll always nag at you.i never find living in a van that hard,just a different set of chores and problems that,as you do now in a house,you end up taking in your stride,quicker than you think ! but..the compensations are well worth it,the people you meet on the road are usually fired up about where they're going,where they've been or where they are,and the constant change of scenery and aspect is seriously rejuvenating,days seem to go on forever because theyre full of interest.of course some days are crap,but i like a bit of misery as it makes the good days's just so bloody INTERESTING!!
i would say the same just do what your minds telling you to do,if you dont then what if will come into play as said above,
you may find the comforting surrounds and changes weekly are better for your wellbeing.
mind made up

Well i think with all the input my mind is made up. A convo with bank manager is due monday, (natwest computer system sorted..?) im going to seriously look into it. All going well I hope to bump into some of you along the way...either in my little van for this summer or a bigger van that i can live in in the not too distant future!!
Do you ever stop smiling?

Having spent last weekend with you at the meet I can't think of anyone more likely to succeed, as you had a permanent smile on your face, even when Bailey towed you across the car park. Good luck x
Thanks bushtrekker intend to use him as my sales pitch at the bank..He can be my breakdown recovery..!!
as much as I love my van and getting out and about in her, I couldn't full time. I get claustrophobic after 2 weeks!:rolleyes2: A few things I can think of are van insurance, which i believe is higher if full timing? the extra fuel costs as it will be your only form of transport and with a bigger van, can you get it parked in all the places you go to, supermarket carparks etc? Lots of my local supermarkets have started putting height barriers in! Think about where will you park up, are you going to be in one area mostly or constantly on the move?
If it's something you have always wanted to do then go for it, like it's been said you don't want to end up regreting not giving it a try!

Go for it Daisy. You are the kind of inspirational person that has overcome their disibilty to the point where it is hardly noiticable and I think you would rise to the challenges of living in a van in the same way. Needs vary but if you can manage to do it in a van 6m or less it will help a lot with parking and generally getting around. You can get some very spacious coachbuilts in 6m, maybe one with a fixed longitidinal bed (the so called French bed) Easy to get into and you don't have to worry lugging stuff around to make up the bed.
Your absolutely right van is small and i can go where i want..and for the summer thats what i shall do, but, its also not big enough for my needs ie: wheelchair,scooter etc
Ive taken this into consideration, but i dont have the constraints of being young wage earning and all that comes with youth.
And I agree that there are so many things i probably will not have thought about, but, if i reasoned with myself and thought about it logically i guess i would never do it...
So, Im going to throw caution to the wind and let life take me for a change...

I can always rent again if all else fails..but at least i will have tried..:)
daisymini..GO FOR IT!!!!! a homecarer i have met many people who have varying disabilities..and have come to realise that something only becomes disabling if its allowed it to be..if you can come up with ideas/ solutions to the practical issues you have concerns about then your dream is well on its way to becoming reality . You sound like you have very good friends/family, and with folk on WC too you have a wealth of support. I have made a similiar life choice to you so can empathise with part of the deciding process although i dont have to think about the issues that you do. I admire you..follow your dream, its never too late!!
Hi Pink it was lovely to meet you although it was only brief.. and i know you have been considering doing the same thing, but for different reasons. Id like to think whatever our reasons they are the best for us at the time. And the more obstacles i have in my way the more im determined to overcome them.:dance:
As I read your post I believe you live in a rented house belonging to someone else , so if that is correct it will be no great loss if you move out,as there are lots of houses / flats for rent if you want to go back at some time. living full time in a Motorhome is not as easy as some dreamers think, and it is NOT as cheap an option as you may think, Winter in a van in England and you will need electricity, so that means a camping ground somewhere, budget at least £8 a night for that,if you can spend your Winters in Spain or Portugal for instance wilding all the time is a good option as the weather is generally better than England, think about things like laundry, mundane I know but it has to be done, you will need clothes for all Seasons so think about storage in whatever van you decide on, as someone else said think about Health cover and access to Doctors etc. be prepared for maintenance and breakdowns on the van , you will need finance to pay for repairs and hotel accommodation or B n B if the van needs to be in a garage for repairs etc.We don't full time but do spend long periods away in our van, we love it and did think about selling up and going proper full time, we didn't though and am glad we didn't as we have the best of both worlds we think, but if you feel it is right for you do it, there are lots of solo campers out there and some quite senior too.I am sure you will get a lot of guidance from those that do actually full time and can give you a proper perspective on Full timing.

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