Second vehicle insurance


I was thinking about insuring my winter project vehicle ,getting it road taxed and using it periodically over the next 3 month or so. I was quoted around £90 for this period.
Does this sound about right ,because I spoke to a young lass at a call centre who did'nt sound that clued up.
Also,with it being temporary cover,would the insurance certificate be valid to enable me to apply for road tax?
I was thinking about insuring my winter project vehicle ,getting it road taxed and using it periodically over the next 3 month or so. I was quoted around £90 for this period.
Does this sound about right ,because I spoke to a young lass at a call centre who did'nt sound that clued up.
Also,with it being temporary cover,would the insurance certificate be valid to enable me to apply for road tax?
it should be ok for road tax if it is valid when your tax disc begins 90 doesn't sound too bad for a second vehicle as you don't allways get any no claims on a second vehicle
£90 for three months = £360 for a year Sounds a bit expensive to me

I have never understood the insurers issue with second vehicles. Providing that we are talking same insurance company, why cannot your insurance cover more than one vehicle,after all, you can only drive one at a time, hence why should they want more money, providing the cost covers the most expensive vehicle.
Yes I can see problems if ypu have named drivers, I suppose you could both be driving seperate vehicles, but I am a owner only driver and they still want to charge me for second vehicle, hence my Motor Home is my sole vehicle because I am dammed if i am paying twice.:confused:

Hi Steve

If they insured for the whole year they would do it cheaper, short period insurance is always dearer.....

Hi Don

If both vehicles were destroyed by a runaway wagon would you be happy to accept being only paid to replace only the one vehicle? or say you backed into your own second vehicle?........

or think of it this way say you were driving one vehicle, the chances of that one being stolen are lower, but the accident risk is higher, meanwhile the unattended vehicle is at greater risk of being stolen/vandalised etc but in each case they both have to be covered for third parties risks....
hey George!! totally off topic ,Good to see you around again forums are a poorer place without your input mate
Hi Steve

If they insured for the whole year they would do it cheaper, short period insurance is always dearer.....

Hi Don

If both vehicles were destroyed by a runaway wagon would you be happy to accept being only paid to replace only the one vehicle? or say you backed into your own second vehicle?........

or think of it this way say you were driving one vehicle, the chances of that one being stolen are lower, but the accident risk is higher, meanwhile the unattended vehicle is at greater risk of being stolen/vandalised etc but in each case they both have to be covered for third parties risks....

Good answer, but a lot of ye but, no but, what if!!!!!!.

Hi Frenchman,

Thanks, do I know you by a different name?
I have never understood the insurers issue with second vehicles. Providing that we are talking same insurance company, why cannot your insurance cover more than one vehicle,after all, you can only drive one at a time, hence why should they want more money, providing the cost covers the most expensive vehicle.
Yes I can see problems if ypu have named drivers, I suppose you could both be driving seperate vehicles, but I am a owner only driver and they still want to charge me for second vehicle, hence my Motor Home is my sole vehicle because I am dammed if i am paying twice.:confused:


i think norwich union are doing pay as you drive insurance this might be the answer to low mileage users they fit a gps in the vehicle to tell how far you go and charge acordingly i think
I have never understood the insurers issue with second vehicles. Providing that we are talking same insurance company, why cannot your insurance cover more than one vehicle,after all, you can only drive one at a time, hence why should they want more money, providing the cost covers the most expensive vehicle.
Yes I can see problems if ypu have named drivers, I suppose you could both be driving seperate vehicles, but I am a owner only driver and they still want to charge me for second vehicle, hence my Motor Home is my sole vehicle because I am dammed if i am paying twice.:confused:


norwich union are doing pay as you drive insurance this might be the answer to low mileage users they fit a gps in the vehicle to tell how far you go and charge acordingly i would try this link
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I have never understood the insurers issue with second vehicles. Providing that we are talking same insurance company, why cannot your insurance cover more than one vehicle,after all, you can only drive one at a time, hence why should they want more money, providing the cost covers the most expensive vehicle.
Yes I can see problems if ypu have named drivers, I suppose you could both be driving seperate vehicles, but I am a owner only driver and they still want to charge me for second vehicle, hence my Motor Home is my sole vehicle because I am dammed if i am paying twice.:confused:

I quite agree especially as I am an owner only driver and the vehicle is kept off road. If one only had third party insurance then I don't see the problem, however add fire and theft or fully comp and thing get sticky. It is time for some insurance company to address this issue as driving a 5 ton motorhome as my only vehicle is not an option and paying an extra £300 per year for a second vehicle is a lot per trip.:mad::mad::mad:
many years ago i had a motor traders policy that covered me to drive any motor vehicle whether it belonged to me or not, as i used to buy and sell motors, i just wish i had it now as i could run any motor i wanted on it it .didn,t matter if i had one or twenty one cars they were all covered as long as they were taxed and tested .

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