Scotland..without midges ?!


Would love to go to Scotland in the van ,but hate midges...when is the best time to go without the midges ??
April is great time to go, no midges, less traffic and few sites need advance booking.
Anytime between October and April. They recon that midges cost the Scottish tourism industry hundreds of millions a year. East coast not so bad in summer but avoid the Isle of Skye
We went last week in September and first in October....
not a midge to be seen AND even better roads were very quiet... mind we avoided the bulk of the 500 and usual honey pots.. preferred to seek small roads that ended at deserted coves/harbours etc.
Each year is a bit different, but midges are not usually a problem before the end of May.
I was up in Scotland recently but in a cottage on a complex. I asked the receptionist about the best time to up to avoid the wee beasties. She told me up till May and after October.
I spent the last 2 weeks of June up there and saw almost no midges. I took the smidge spray back home unopened.
I live in Skye. Midges are over hyped greatly. Midge season is May to September but it doesn't mean the whole of West Scotland or Skye is affected. If it's still, warm and humid they can affect but if it drops a bit cooler, rains or the wind gets up you can get days without them. It tends to be windy and rainy a fair bit up here. My advice is don't let midges or the thought of them put you off coming. It's beautiful up here and our day to day lives are rarely affected by them to any great extent. With a net (folds up into a pocket) and some repellent (Smidge or "Skin so Soft") you've got it sorted most days when it is a little worse.
I always go to Scotland in the Winter.

No midges, and not too many tourists. Depending on where you go, it doesn't have to be too cold either, the west coast is affected by the Gulf stream and can be quite warm sometimes even in January/February.

I like the snow though!
Just go Wales!

Just go to Wales instead the snowdonia np is awesome!

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