SatNav (Noa Tec type)


Full Member
Updated the maps on my cheapo ebay satnav, I've had it for quite a while & updated the maps in the past. Problem is this time the GPS seems to have turned itself off, message on the map screen it has the message 'Your GPS receiver has been turned off' & there is a button 'Turn on GPS'. Problem is it doesn't turn the GPS on. In the widows screen there is a GPS info screen which shows the GPS is finding the satellites so the hardware is working. I checked in the Navi Path folder & it is set at ResidentFlash\Primo\Igo.exe, there is also the option to auto run the GPS on start up, tried it both on & off but it doesn't change anything. Tried it on & off but still get the same message on the map screen.
Did have a crash when I clicked oin the 3D map view, this stopped working not long after I bought it but as I prefer the 2D view I've never bothered to try to fix it but if I click on the 3D it crashes.

Just loaded the old maps back on & GPS works, I'll have to try loading each country to see what's happening. Already have the latest UK map & only need France & Spain.
The French maps seem to cause the problem, if I copy them on it doesn't matter if I leave the old map files on or take them off I get the same result no GPS. Don't know what I can try next.
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Have you tried the Noza tec Facebook users page ? Lots of info and helpful folk there
There is a dedicated group on FB for noza tec sat navs that will answer any problems you have.:goodluck::goodluck:
You can also download maps from iGO Maps

Lots of useful info about IGO Primo. Depending on version you can use Here Maps or Tom Tom maps ..
Got it sorted, ended up I found the solution (I hope) myself but the FB page is very handy, I was able to update the maps to the 2017 maps. What I did I accidentally moved the SAVE folder, this caused the program to re-create it as if it was a new unit, there must be something corrupted or turning the GPS in one of the files which didn't allow me to turn it back on. As a bonus the 3D view is now working again this stopped working years ago & if I clicked on it then the system would crash.

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