Rubish left

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21686
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Deleted member 21686

I spent last night in the large car park in Brecon.
Another 2 vans turned up for the night. The 2 guys were from Tonypandy in the Rhondda Valley.
One of the guys packed up his rubbish and put in the bin and the other guy left his at the bottom of his camper and drove off.
I mentioned to my wife what he had done and intended to pick it up but a fourth motorhome had the same idea and beat me to it.

So you know who you are if you read this.
You are what is bad about motorhomes and you ruin it for the the good owners and I really have no time for you.

And to the guy that picked it up. Well done!

It is unfortunate that we have to do others dirty work but but we have little choice if we want to keep our free place to park.

Powys Council are one of our best friends as motorhome wilders and they should be applauded for allowing us to park all over the County.
So if you see where some idiot has left rubbish put it in the bin or they will change their policy.
Powys Council are one of our best friends as motorhome wilders and they should be applauded for allowing us to park all over the County.
So if you see where some idiot has left rubbish put it in the bin or they will change their policy.
Indeed, Powys are to be applauded for their enlightened attitude, I've found them to be unfailingly helpful when phoning or emailing them too.

We too had to clear up after some people in a car left take-away cartons and a dirty nappy behind when we were parked up in the Promenade car park at Brecon one night last year...

Unfortunately there is no easy answer to this problem. I think if I were 30 years younger I would be chasing the culprits in my van and posting their rubbish through their letter box in the middle of the night.
Did anyone see Great Railway Journeys last evening. At one of the stops along the Aquaba line the local guide voiced hid disgust at the heap of rubbish left by a camper home in the desert. So it is a global problem.
There are slobs and uncaring cretins all around us.
and they wonder why its getting difficult to park over night for free,

simple really leave the area as u found it take all rubbiish away or put in the bins provided.

but some idiots never learn and make life difficult for others.

but i bet there the first ones to complain when the barriers and hight restrictions go up.

just muppets that have no clue,

there idea is keeps someone in a job picking litter,

my idea is i would make the guy who didnt pick his up do it for community service every weekend for 6 months during summer.

and confiscate his van until his service was over.

dont care how mutch money it would cost to ferry the twit to all the carparks but better spent doing this
than building a duck house for an mp.
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On the Community TV Channel the other night there was a film made by some young Gypsy children about the Appleby Horse Fair. As you might imagine it was a fairly sympathetic view. The youngsters mostly interviewed older folk about how it used to be and how the fair has changed over the years. They also spoke to the local police and residents of the town about the fair. Mostly the townsfolk seemed in favour of the fair as it brought in business and raised the profile of the town.

There were some dissenting voices but they were in the minority. One complained about the mess left behind and this was borne out by film of the "Horse Washing" which takes place at the main bridge over the river in the town. People intending to wash their horse had to wade almost knee deep in litter and rubbish in just this one spot. One can only imagine what the camping fields were like after the caravans, Horsboxes and 4x4's had gone. No-one challenged those interviewed about the mess, but one fact did emerge. Many of the big flashy caravans did not have toilets installed. Some considered it "dirty" to have a toilet in a caravan where food was prepared. No explanation was given as to the alternative arrangements put in hand to cover this ommission. I assume they use toilet tents.
in aberdeenshire and aberdeen city the council provides gypsies with portaloos and skips

for some strange reason they think turning them on the sides is more fun.

and leaving there rubbish outside the skips.

personally i would put them in the skips and land fill them under concrete.
On the Community TV Channel the other night there was a film made by some young Gypsy children about the Appleby Horse Fair. As you might imagine it was a fairly sympathetic view. The youngsters mostly interviewed older folk about how it used to be and how the fair has changed over the years. They also spoke to the local police and residents of the town about the fair. Mostly the townsfolk seemed in favour of the fair as it brought in business and raised the profile of the town.

There were some dissenting voices but they were in the minority. One complained about the mess left behind and this was borne out by film of the "Horse Washing" which takes place at the main bridge over the river in the town. People intending to wash their horse had to wade almost knee deep in litter and rubbish in just this one spot. One can only imagine what the camping fields were like after the caravans, Horsboxes and 4x4's had gone. No-one challenged those interviewed about the mess, but one fact did emerge. Many of the big flashy caravans did not have toilets installed. Some considered it "dirty" to have a toilet in a caravan where food was prepared. No explanation was given as to the alternative arrangements put in hand to cover this ommission. I assume they use toilet tents.

More like sh**ers ditch!

Sounds like a one sided film to me.
More like sh**ers ditch!

Sounds like a one sided film to me.

The film was organised, script written and directed by do gooders in association with the Gypsy council and paid for with public funds through local and national government grants.
Would that make it one sided??:lol-053:
Donkey Too

The film was organised, script written and directed by do gooders in association with the Gypsy council and paid for with public funds through local and national government grants.
Would that make it one sided??

Quite possibly, but many films on TV are biased toward one pojnt of view or another. "Balance" being achieved by a corresponding programme promoting the opposing view. I did say that it was a sympathetic view. There was certainly some unintended humour in the final show that slipped through the editing. That said, I sensed that some of the older generation looked back with some sadness as to how their successors behaved.

None of the campers I know do not use their van toilet, but then most of them do not stay on big sites. Personally I am much more comfortable in my own van than using any form of public toilet. I think some of you may have misunderstood, perhaps what I should have said is that the toilets in Gypsy vans are not used as such, usually I guess as extra storage.
The big flashy trailer in all probability are hobby lmc or fendt...the reason they are chosen by the travellers, is that they are better winterised than anything home made.

A lot of traveller sites have shower blocks and toilet blocks built either on a private site or council funded.

What I find interesting is that the term traveller is used, that is no longer the case, a community who live in one place...but live in touring vans

Yet another thread that despises those of us who live a different lifestyle.

What I find an hypocrisy is most of you lot are no more than weekend warriors, need your bolt hole of the bungalow etc....your idea of wildcamp is to park in a car park overnight...and then you want spoonfeeding locations via the poi.

Please see the hypocrisy, and next time you feel disgruntled because you choose not to stop on a site...spare a thought....

Stones in greenhouses
Yes, I was wondering how long it would be before this thread turned into an anti-traveller tirade.:D

It's pretty obvious that wherever large numbers of folk gather together - be it some sort of event or a festival or a sporting match - there will be huge amounts of rubbish generated.
Let's take Epsom at derby time ( couple of weeks).
Anybody who suggests that all the mess there emanates from travellers only is totally deluded. The organisers have rubbish pickers working flat out all day long and there is still vast quantities of stuff to pick up , despite there being skips and 45 gallon drums stationed all over the place.

The other week at Chester was just the same, and we won't even mention Cheltenham.

One person on here who knows about Appleby is WhiteVanlady. She has made at least one post about the Fair, and it didn't seem to disagree with my view that everything is taken care of and, in the main, things pass off alright.

I'm pretty sure the opening post isn't really about crap and pee, but seeing as some have thought fit to bring up the subject, I can tell you that, yes,
we do think it's dirty and strange to crap in the nest and then cart foul waste all round the country! :(
I don't think there's any other animal in the world that does that! :scared:

So, folk have different ways and that's just the way it is. We used to live in tents and then in vardos, which were very small for the size of family. Crapping inside in those places wouldn't have been feasible.

In Killarney, because of complaints from tourists the council has passed laws to make the horses, on the carts that tow visitors about, wear nappies ( dung-catchers)!
If that's what's classed as progress then God help us, imo.:sad:

The point about the changes in society over the generations is valid. The old people would turn in their grave if they saw some of today's carry on. However, that applies to settled folk too.
The way of life is so different and so are the skill-sets needed.

I suppose 'tis fair to say that some travellers wouldn't go anywhere if it wasn't for the eviction man and the council and the police. :rolleyes2:
I can't turn the clock back.

sean rua.
I spent last night in the large car park in Brecon.
Another 2 vans turned up for the night. The 2 guys were from Tonypandy in the Rhondda Valley.
One of the guys packed up his rubbish and put in the bin and the other guy left his at the bottom of his camper and drove off.
I mentioned to my wife what he had done and intended to pick it up but a fourth motorhome had the same idea and beat me to it.

So you know who you are if you read this.
You are what is bad about motorhomes and you ruin it for the the good owners and I really have no time for you.

And to the guy that picked it up. Well done!

It is unfortunate that we have to do others dirty work but but we have little choice if we want to keep our free place to park.

Powys Council are one of our best friends as motorhome wilders and they should be applauded for allowing us to park all over the County.
So if you see where some idiot has left rubbish put it in the bin or they will change their policy.

We intended to pick up somebodies rubbish before we left a RL near rivington reserviour on Friday and take it home with us. But a countryside contracter came and collected the rubbish at 7-30am. (We had actually stayed on a CR close by but moved to the RL at 6-30am to admire the view and have breakfast)
I would have thought it was obvious that there are more and more mucky people about who dump their rubbish anywhere without thought for others. In the area where I live it's not unusual to find piles of discarded household items appearing - old carpets,sofas, all sorts of stuff. One day our bus shelter was unusable because some delightful soul had chucked their take away slop all over the seats and windows. Motorhome users, either weekenders or full-timers, will be no different and there will be a lot who don't clear up and who spoil things for others. I think the only answer is to clear up what you can so long as you don't risk your own health and to speak your mind if you actually see anyone doing it.
I would have thought it was obvious that there are more and more mucky people about who dump their rubbish anywhere without thought for others. In the area where I live it's not unusual to find piles of discarded household items appearing - old carpets,sofas, all sorts of stuff. One day our bus shelter was unusable because some delightful soul had chucked their take away slop all over the seats and windows. Motorhome users, either weekenders or full-timers, will be no different and there will be a lot who don't clear up and who spoil things for others. I think the only answer is to clear up what you can so long as you don't risk your own health and to speak your mind if you actually see anyone doing it.

That's fine, but when the idiots jump on the bandwagon and all of a sudden want to label ,,that can't be right good and bad in all sections of the communitty

There are traveller I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire, and the same is true of the settled community.

But how preposterous would it be to accuse all dwellers of harehills as wrongdoers?....I chose harehills you probably know the area.

For sure it is a settled area that has its issues .....and people no doubt often are socially disadvantaged....there are good and bad in all sectors..

And the peeps ......who sit here weekend keyboard warriors...that spout on prejudice not fact..the original curtain twitching nimbys.....

Pathetic diatribe
I have some very good friends who are travellers. Their attitude to the minority who give them a bad name is pretty much the same as mine.
I have some very good friends who are travellers. Their attitude to the minority who give them a bad name is pretty much the same as mine.

Unfortunately everywhere you look there are Horses and Horses' can't have one without the other....all you can do is to try to be near the front end as much as possible without getting bit.
We intended to pick up somebodies rubbish before we left a RL near rivington reserviour on Friday and take it home with us. But a countryside contracter came and collected the rubbish at 7-30am. (We had actually stayed on a CR close by but moved to the RL at 6-30am to admire the view and have breakfast)

All we can do is clear it up and if you see them drop it challenge them or if you are not that way inclined, take their number and report it.

It's in our interest to keep these areas clear but of course it's not always motorhomes.
when i was a kid there seemed to always be a govt sponsored anti litter campaign which made you feel you were letting every one down by littering,and it worked.old farts don't litter and if they see it, it makes them shudder.we were brainwashed and it stuck. need a govt that cares enough about us to do it again
This littering of places is one of my biggest bugbears. I've spent many hours of my own time picking up litter left by other people over the years. Not only on wildcamping spots but also when out walking. There are lots of culprits who do this and it's not always the obvious or stereotyped.

For me it just shows a lack of respect for themselves and their environment, but mostly for themselves. Every animal understands you don't foul your own backyard, and yet...
when i was a kid there seemed to always be a govt sponsored anti litter campaign which made you feel you were letting every one down by littering,and it worked.old farts don't litter and if they see it, it makes them shudder.we were brainwashed and it stuck. need a govt that cares enough about us to do it again

Austerity measures, they cannot afford to pay the advertising for the multitude of channels now. It was so much easier and cheaper back then, when there were only three channels.

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