Not sure where the fine for camping in your MH comes from.
However, if you want a quick route to Spain (Med) you go down the Autoroute via Lyon, this is expensive €170.00 approx.
Not so quick but a lot cheaper, go via Rouen, and over the Millau Bridge, Autoroute but many are free, cost around €60.00
If you dont want to pay at all, stick to the N roads, your going to have to look at your map, as the numbers have changed, this will cost you time, and possibly a little more fuel, as you do a lot of stop start through the towns.
Personally, I now do the Millau route, and during the afternoon, we go a wandering down the N, and D roads, once we have put some mile underneath our belt.
Cant help with the tolls but just take care where you wild camp because this year they will try and make you go on a campsite and if you dont they will fine you if your sleeping in your motor :have fun::cheers:
This is a new one on me, being fined if you sleep in your motorhome. I have overnighted many times in the Alicante region & never had any problems. Is this something new? has a new law been passed?
I carry a copy in English & Spanish of the law passed in 1998 from the Ministry of the Interior in Madrid stating that a motorhome is classed as any other vehicle when parking, whether there's anyone inside it or not, as long as there's no awning, steadies or furniture etc. out.
Last year I was staying at a beach car park in Albir, when a Guardia tried to move me on, I showed him the Spanish version with the relevant bits highlighted & that shut him up, I stayed there 3 more days.
I have not been to the south of Spain since this time last year & are dying to know if anything has changed as I am about to set off for another 8 week trip.
Thanks for the info Spigot where can I get a copy of in English & Spanish of the law passed in 1998 from the Ministry of the Interior in Madrid stating that a motorhome is classed as any other vehicle when parking?
All i can do is to post on here what i am told ever one knows they make the laws up as they go along, there has been many letters from campsite owners and locals that every summer car parks are taken over by motorhomes in some areas the locals have taken photos of motorhome owners emptying loo,s down the storm drains, even my Spanish friends and I have been getting some stick when we go away for the weekend. But believe me if you P them of waving bits of paper under there nose you will know It, for me as some one said just put it on the windscreenwere they can see it. Only a few weeks ago i got stooped with my scooter on the back of my motor which only last year i paid out nearly 900 euros to make it legal because the p--tt thought i was taking the P by showing him about 6 bits of paper, showing him i had made it legal
tried to fine my on the spot when i refused he took me to the nick about 20min drive away I sat there waiting till the boss got in to see the papers before he let me go but not as lucky as VW Alan i had to get a taxi back. But all you have to do is come of the beach at night and back in the morning easy. Slowly they are making places to stop and sleep in the motors over here but you might have lorry's parked with you. Anywhere inland you should not have any problems. :cheers: safe travels
hi. instruction08/v-74 .does work . you do have to be strong and may get arrested .i did near aguilas but after being took off to a police stastion got brought back o the van . that was soon after it came 2008. have used it a few times since. there are leaflets that go with it heres one.itys issued by one of the m.home clubs in spain .put it in your window it keeps the cops at bay. but dont use level ramps .chairs etc outside. if on a slope put wedges in front of your wheels if over 3,500kg its law on steep slopes.