I’m thinking the price of fuel in NZ must be cheaper than the UK
As Mark said though, interesting camper.
Guessing they don’t have many narrow, twisty roads over there?
Just shy of 7 metres Marie, I know, they look huge. Our last camper here looked to be about 8 metres, measured it at 6.93 metres.
We filled Lou's car 2nd day here @ 75p a litre, the same garage is now selling 84p a litre. Definitely on the up.
No narrow twisty roads?
Some of the mountain roads are like helter skelter.
We drove the Wanganui River Road, absolutely spectacular, turned a tight downward hairpin and was confronted by a landslip. Half the road was gone! We were safe though, the roads department had placed a plastic cone to stop motorists falling hundreds of feet to their death.
Land slips are very common here, earthquakes and heavy rain being the main reasons, plus NZ is a 'new' country in geological terms. It is constantly
Last time here we experienced a 5.8 earthquake, pretty exciting! The harbour at Kaikkura had a ground heave of 4 metres, where once it was just water, next day it had a ruddy great rock formation sticking out of the surface!
Also came across railway lines that had crossed over each other, bridges that had parted mid way and lots more.
Who needs Alton Towers when you have NZ.