RNLI being shafted by HMG

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Deleted member 2636

RNLI S*****d by HMG

LIFEBOAT crews fear being scuppered by crippling new charges for using their radios from Ofcom, the communications regulator. The RNLI could see the price of using its VHF emergency frequencies rise to £250,000 under plans to charge the full commercial rate.

The charity, which saves hundreds of lives every year currently pays an annual £48,000 at a discounted rate of 50 per cent. It relies on donations and fears the move will have a disastrous impact on fund-raising. Peter Bradley, RNLI operations staff officer, said: 'It's a lot of money when you think in terms of lifeboat days and little old ladies collecting pound coins.'

'We could buy several inshore lifeboats for the same amount.'

'The Government rely on us to provide this search-and-rescue service, at a cost of £124 million a year, but they want to charge us for doing it!'

Ofcom has set out plans to bring 'market forces' into maritime and civil aviation communications in a policy it calls Administered Incentive Pricing.

£250,000 represents an awful lot of charity collections, even more so in the current economic climate so, if like me you feel strongly enough about this, please sign the petition below.


Please forward to anyone you think might help by signing the petition.
Absolutely Disgusting :mad:

I have signed and posted on a carp angling forum I help to run Baloo ;)
Have signed also. Disgusting but not surprising in the least. Perhaps the lottery jackpot should be capped at a couple of million then share the rest between the relevant charities, but no that might involve a bit of logic and common sense. Cant have that in the government now can we.
Have signed it too Baloo (as 'so cald expatiriate'- but I'm not, who will notice ? :eek:)
It is a shame Belgian SAR-heli's has come to rescue on your side of the channel, while there is not enough money to get yours in the air.
The time of "Brittania rules the waves" seems to be now "Brittania waves the rules" :rolleyes:
Disgusting as you say. (and our Sea-Sikorksy's will soon be retired):eek: We see RNLI as an establishement which saved that many lives the last hundred years (Brittish and others); it should have all the support we can get.
This goverment needs to have a good look at itself, this is disgusting and just another example of how this country is going. :( :mad: :confused:
Thanks for the post, Balloo, signed and posted:mad:,I was shocked to read this but not surprised:(
It may be radical thinking (or outside the box:eek:)
But if the RNLI turned round and said "ok then we shut down" the Gov have a duty to police the waters to the 3 mile limit, this would involve, the army,navy,airforce,customs and police, also a hell of a lot of money!!
As an ex surfer I admire the work the RNLI do and have always thrown my loose change into their boxes.
But as an english man that has traveled most of the world, it amases me that an island relies on a charity to look after the safety of its coast

This is terrible ,as for the goverment they are a waste of time.When visiting the coast we always visit the rnli station and donate, or buy something from one of there shops,like many people.They do a fantastic job,and it is a shame they are note suppoorted better.SUPPORT THE RNLI


Already a Offshore Member

Downing St.appears to suggest we may pay less in duty.

That will be a first!:(
As HMG have just scrapped the VHF license fee of £20 for everyone else it seems strange that they target the RNLI this way. The cost is for using Channel 0, I assume, so they could waive this right and use public channels and still be able to function fully but inconvenience the coastguard by occupying Ch 16. Not an ideal situation but one I think that would be rapidly resolved.

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