RIP Peter listerdiesel

RIP, A man who helped so many others!!

Have followed his builds & his fight with the big C for a couple of years, so sad to here this news!

Very sad news. Peter was one of those guys who was brilliant at everything, although he admitted he was crap at football! The world of steam will miss him greatly, he was a regular entrant at steam rallies.
R.I.P. Peter. Considerations to all your family.
Oh no, he was struck with cancer about the same time as me and although we never met we did share our experiences and I know the chemo affected his heart.

RIP Peter, I will see you later.

RIP Peter , I too followed his fight with cancer last couple of years. There was no self pity his posts written with a dash of black humour at times, Most of all sharing his experiences gave a lot of hope and encouragement to "Our Net family " who were facing demons of their own,

A brave fighter.

I don't normally comment as don't know the people at all so never seemed appropriate, but I read a lot of Peters postings and he seemed a really good guy and a real fighter.

I can only echo what others have said,he was an engineer and his technical posts were always very good on MHF.He was also quite prepared to share his knowledge and expertise.I always looked forward to reading his posts as he has helped me many times in the past.RIP Peter,you will be missed.
I hate these threads. My thoughts are with the family. It's a very hard relentless battle .
Very sad, I have always enjoyed reading his posts and the quality of his projects, he will be missed
RIP Peter
So sad he has struggled on for so long, another good person looses the fight with cancer thoughts are with his family now.
RIP Peter.

A battle bravely fought with the help and support of your family and friends.
RIP Peter

Shocked to read the news about Peter (initially saw it on Facts, but I’m no longer a member on there so could not post). He was very knowledgeable and always quick to give advice. I’m reasonably practical and competent to carry out many things but was always in awe of Peter’s projects and respectfull of his advices. Will be sadly missed by many. RIP Peter.

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