Removable bed or sleeping mat

Joe Sixpack

I use my truck to go to work and for transportation and deliveries. I removed the beds entirely from the truck to have more space. I only want to have a bed mat or a removable bed for when I use it for camping. I use a mat at the moment but it's just not that comfortable. Is there any such thing as an easily removable bed that you can set up and remove in no time? I don't need it very often and something small to not need a place to store is probably good.
Bought in Tesco 2 week ago
Twin Air bed £7.50 folds up in the box 2ft-1ft (single's available)
Tesco's Value 12v air pump £7.98

inflates in about 30 sec
try a memory foam topper on your bed mat, makes a big difference
I use a bed mat and on top one of these anti-fatigue mats which makes it comfortable enough. It also has the added advantage that it safes space.
Got to be an air bed, evens out any ridges or bumps. If you do feel the lumps it needs a bit more pressure. Inflates in seconds with a good 12v pump, deflates even faster. Put a blanket on top of it under your sleeping bag as they have no insulation value.

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