Many of us take our Dogs abroad each year and there's always the problem of finding a Vet to administer the treatment for the Pet Passport.
This Google Map gives the location of recommended Vets throughout Europe - European Vets Recommended for Pet Passport
It would be appreciated if you could post as much information as possible about the Vet you use on your return to the UK.
Some, or all, of the following information would assist other Dog owners and I will add it to the Google Map -
Name, address, cost of treatment, English spoken, opening hours, is an appointment necessary, ease of parking and any other practical information that you think is relevant.
Updated prices of Vets already on the Map would be helpful.
This Google Map gives the location of recommended Vets throughout Europe - European Vets Recommended for Pet Passport
It would be appreciated if you could post as much information as possible about the Vet you use on your return to the UK.
Some, or all, of the following information would assist other Dog owners and I will add it to the Google Map -
Name, address, cost of treatment, English spoken, opening hours, is an appointment necessary, ease of parking and any other practical information that you think is relevant.
Updated prices of Vets already on the Map would be helpful.