Rattling gas heater


Hi all,

We've had our Compass Avantgarde 150 since March of this year and it has always had an annoying rattle. We assumed it was coming from the cooker so we wrapped all the rungs and trays in teatowels to no avail. We've finally traced it (by me driving and Sandra walking about in the back!!!) to the heater. Has anyone else had similar problems and have any ideas how I can sort it?. Thanks
sell the van and get a 5er .i dont hear anuthing like rattles coming from mine. do sometimes restack shelves though. ha ha .
If you do a search on here, there was a thread about how to fix it.

Apparently it is a common problem and easily fixed but I cannot remember what that was. I had an Elddis with the same Truma fire but mine did not rattle.

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