Ratchet strap


We only got our first motorhome early last year, been away about 18 times sofar and love it. Always stayed on sites with hookup, loo's and showers. On the last bankholiday could not get booked on anywhere so thought we would give wild camping a go, had 3 nights away in Suffolk 2 in carparks and 1 quite layby.Realy had a great time with no problems at all so intend to do alot more wild camping
I have heard that some people use a ratchet strap to secure the drivers and passingers doors together at night to stop anyone getting in the van while they sleep. Is this a good idea? just a bit worried that doing this would be a bit of a hiderance if I hade to drive off at short notice or god forbid a fire. Would be gratefull for members opinions.

Hi and Welcome

Don't your doors lock from the inside? Probably lock on the key fob if your vehicle isn't too old
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keep a sharp knife where you can find it even when panicked and cut through the strap,one of those survival hammer things would do it as they incorporate a blade for cutting seatbelts,get at halfords
If they want to get in they will, ratchet strapping your doors won't stop them.

Having said that how many times have you read about motor homes being broken into at night when people are in them? I guess there is always the chance that you could get disturbed by morons who think it is funny but I don't think you are any great risk of a break in.

Although I haven't much experience wild camping in a motor home I have spent my fair share of time sleeping in a lorry in some pretty dodgy places and only ever been woken up by the occasional "lady of the night" (who I ignored, and then only in France).

Pick your spots with care, if there is a lot of rubbish around, especially fast food wrappers, then I would think twice there is a chance it as one of THOSE places where dogs have a different meaning, or kids hang out to smoke and drink away from the prying eyes of officialdom.

You may feel vulnerable but I think there is far less risk than you might imagine.

door locks

Don't your doors lock from the inside? Probably lock on the key fob if your vehicle isn't too old

Hi thanks for the reply
I can lock the doors from the inside it's just that I locked myself out of my work van once and had to call the AA. The chap put a thin strip of metal down the side of the window and was in in about 5 seconds. So if he can so can some low life who wants to murder me while I sleep.
Being new to wild camping I am probaly over worried about this happening. Just wondered what others do.

I'm sure it only happens very rarely and I don't think you should be too worried about it but we were broken into whilst we slept last summer in France. We had picked a lovely clean spot on the bank of the Midi Canal. Lots of other homes there too and in the night while we slept some one put a screw driver in the lock (Fiat Ducato) and popped the lock. They came in and rifled through the cupboards and our cloths. Luckily they found nothing worth taking. Very scarey when you think about it later do I would say yes use the ratchet, I do now. Don't get too hung up on it though. I has not put us off and we'v had lots of great nights wilding since. Just take some sensible care as you should where ever you are and what ever you are doing
thats right,don't even think about comparing how you feel about your security with what other people do.whatever makes you feel safe is what you do.there are bad people out there,and there are very paranoid people too,its all a matter of risk assessment and instinct.i've been doing this for a looong time,but all doors are locked,a torch is within reach,and a weapon,and my keys are to hand.i've never had a van i can't get into the front and offski. i'll say this over and over,if you feel iffy in any way about where you've parked for the night,get in the front and leave,your animal instincts must be listened to or you're daft.i've only done this a few times but once i felt funny i never hesitated
Even if you haven't got a large dog like Kimbo's Henry, put a sticker on your door saying beware of the dog, and leave a dog's feeding bowl outside.
All I do is put a photo of the mother in-law in the window that puts them of found the dog photo did not work.:lol-049::lol-049:
All I do is put a photo of the mother in-law in the window that puts them of found the dog photo did not work.:lol-049::lol-049:

Ken, that isn't a photo, Henry's real alright, the one's who have met him will verify that :scared:
I have been MH ing for 17+ years now, and never had a problem, i'm more worried about falling asleep and waking up wet through wi my leaky roof :lol-049:
Ken, that isn't a photo, Henry's real alright, the one's who have met him will verify that :scared:

Yes! Scary! I have seen him in 'action' :scared: and that's when he loves you!!!! Would hate to him on a bad hair day!!!!:lol-053:
a rachet strap aint going to stop anyone who really wants to get in , or stop a psychopath sticking a bomb underneath.... but it may just make an amateur theif look for something easier.... or might make them think youve got something worth the effort....there is no right answere ...you can only do what makes you feel happy.
Yes in my dotage I have started to secure my doors at night. I use a personal alarm with a string going from the pull cord to the two doors. Don't know if it would deter a theif but it makes me feel safer. I don't want to get molested in the night by a mob of sex starved young women after all.:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053: well even at my age I can still dream.
We fitted a couple of these Shazza :hammer:

Fiamma Safe Door Guardian D Security Lock

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