Quick Way To Warm Up But No Recommended


Full Member
So today I get up look outside the bus and see the lovely white powder everywhere make a brew and a slice of toast sit thinking shall I move on today or just stay here another day then I think hang on you div you are parked on the drive and you came in here because you could not get comfortable with your back and it was keeping her indoors awake. As my mind wanders to my next tour and where I am going to choose this time I run the tap to fill the wash basin to wash me cup etc and when I pull the plug the water stays there ! Great frozen pipe im thinking I wonder where the pipe comes out of bottom of van, ewwwwww that white powder don`t look so nice now ok think right it must be either blocked or frozen ill put me big coat on n lay down at side of van if I can get down there and see if I can see the pipe and tap it see if it is frozen as I get down there I see the pipe and it goes into a junction that has a lid great ill undo that and then pump the plug hole from above to clear it job done. Nope I undo the cap nothing I see a whole block of ice formed to the shape of the pot then I done the obvious and done what all blokes do I poked it to see if it would move OH YEA it moved alright in one hit it fell out and dumped a whole sink full of water straight on me . Warm Now Yes recommended no. But on the plus side I now know that under my camper is a pot I can undo to clear blockages food stuff or ice I can do either. :)
its like when you are laid on your back under the kitchen sink removing the u-bend to clear out all the gunk... and someone else sees you down there and still pours a washing up bowl of mucky watter down the sink !!!
its like when you are laid on your back under the kitchen sink removing the u-bend to clear out all the gunk... and someone else sees you down there and still pours a washing up bowl of mucky watter down the sink !!!

Exactly like that apart from the person pouring this time was me lol
sorry blights, had a big chuckle over this, I can just imagine it all........
im sure it would not have been fuuny for you at the time.........take care
saw a bloke get it after trying to free a jammed valve on the waste tank on a plane at Heathrow- absolutely smothered in crap and paper . how we all cheered !
I have had a certain female person use the van toilet whilst I have been away with the cassette, apparently woman reverse onto the toilet and do not look into the bowl, or that was her excuse any way. Why can't woman be more like a man, one of life's mysteries ?:scared::lol-053::lol-053::scared::lol-053:
I have had a certain female person use the van toilet whilst I have been away with the cassette, apparently woman reverse onto the toilet and do not look into the bowl, or that was her excuse any way. Why can't woman be more like a man, one of life's mysteries ?:scared::lol-053::lol-053::scared::lol-053:
Luck you did not have your head in there, nail up the door next time.

My last home we had a saniflo macerator (spawn of the devil) in the bathroom which was below ground level, Anyway it blocked, yours truly decided to save a few quid and fix it I did that alright (whoever plumbed it first had put in a bend to tight) All of a sudden got covered in shite head to toe, er in doors could only collapse with laughing. At least it was my shite !

A couple of weeks later I was working with a proper plumber and after he spat out his tea did tell me it was difficult to find people prepared to work with them ...Channa knows why bloody things

sorry blights, had a big chuckle over this, I can just imagine it all........
im sure it would not have been fuuny for you at the time.........take care

Yea don`t worry Trixie the wife had a chuckle as well :)
Think yourself lucky as I did it with a black tank full of liquid human waste !
The feeling of cold urine pouring over your face and down your neck is not recommended :sucks::scared::scared:

I hope your first reaction was to keep ya mouth shut :)

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