question about festivals


Full Member
Hi does anyone know any music festivals, preferably in Scotland, that I can go to in my van, with my dogs?
I've found very few which allow dogs :sad: Lakefest is one but all their campervan tickets are already sold out. I don't know about Scotland but I'm guessing it will only be smaller festivals which will allow dogs on leads only. It's a real shame as it means that I can't go to quite a few of the festivals I wanted to go to as I can't afford the kennel fees on top of ticket prices and tbh as the dog has never been in kennels I'm not sure I would want to kennel him. I don't like to keep asking friends as I might need to ask in an emergency and wouldn't want to take the p-ss.

Sedbergh Folk Festival is a nice little festival in Cumbria which allows dogs, it's the same weekend as Glastonbury but they are having a year off this year :sad:

Let me know if you find any and I'll post details here of any that I come across.
Hi thanks for that. I looked and looked last year and found none, not even that I could sneak them into. Will let you know tho if I hear anything!
Knockengorroch allow dogs, Ive never been but have read good things from many online festival friends, Ive not heard of any of the line up though.

Stainsby Festival - Home Ive never been or heard anything about it.

Home - Farmer Phil's Music Festival Shropshire UK This would be my choice, Ive never been have been told it is a very 'old school' type festival, parking is next to tents, dogs are not quite on strings but are allowed. This year two of(IMHO) the best ever festival bands are playing Dreadzone Dreadzone - Little Britain - Wychwood 2008 - YouTube and Hobo Jones and the Junkyard dogs Hobo Jones / Drunken Sailor @ Beautiful Days 2007 - YouTube 10 - Glastonbury 2010 - Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs - (Gordon Is A Moron).m2ts - YouTube
Thanks for the info Justjane, Knockengorroch looks good for me, with Peatbag Faeries on the line up, and not too far for me.

And Farmer Phil's looks good too, with 7 nights camping included.

I'm gutted that all the campervan tickets for Lakefest have gone with 2 of my fave bands playing (Levs and 3DM) :cry: but have sent a grovelly email asking if they could squeeze just one more "little" tranny van in... not much hope but you never know.

Arnold, see you at Knockengorroch maybe :banana:
A long way from Scotland, but this seems to positively encourage dogs........ unless they like eating sheep!

Nice to see, thanks for posting. Having come face to face with "th'owd yows" (old female sheep) round here, Rigg the pig knows that it's safer to tiptoe past them, eyes averted, pretending that they are not really there...
a long way from Scotland but what about Twinwood Festival at Clapham in Bedfordshire, dogs are not allowed in the arena area though. Music and dancing for 3 days solid.
Thanks for all the replies! Knockengorro
ch here we come. Anyone welcome to join us. Sadly shrews would require a second mortgage for me to afford the fuel, my van just loves the stuff!
Not scotland but small and friendly
Moira furnace folk festival .dogs welcome great atmosphere ,ive got my tickets 120 quid !!! and thats for four people for three days and two camping pitches ,yes read that again its what you thaught i said. four people and two camping pitches !!!
check out the web for moira furnace folk festival 2012
Thanks for all the replies! Knockengorro
ch here we come. Anyone welcome to join us. Sadly shrews would require a second mortgage for me to afford the fuel, my van just loves the stuff!

Knockengorroch for me too I think. I'll PM you nearer the time and perhaps we could meet up there.
Solfest's another one I would really fancy too. Thank you all for the help tho.
knock n g

Just back from this and me and dogs had the time of our lives, it was brilliant so thank you for the tip!

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