Quality of submitted POI's


Full Member
I've noticed that Canalsman has rightly rejected several suggested locations submitted recently. While I like the idea of the incentives to submit more POI's, I'm also concerned that in the scrabbling to win a prize, a lot of spots that just aren't suitable (and haven't actually been tried and tested) may be inadvertently added to the database.

Canalsman does a brilliant job in compiling the POI's for our use and obviously puts in more time and effort than most of us realise, but it's not fair to expect him to satisfactorily "vet" every location himself by only using Street View. The danger is that some wildcampers (especially those will bigger than average motorhomes) may head for a POI shown on their satnav only to find that it is totally unsuitable when they get there (due to poor location, access, soft ground, near neighbours, being a local "meeting" spot, a history of being moved on by police /rangers etc etc). And we can't always plan in advance or view the location in Streetview etc beforehand.... often we will just use our satnavs to lead us to a POI in the local area where we happen to be that night.

Personally, I don't rely solely on the POI's, but they are a very useful resource to have available to me. I'm lucky in that my campervan only takes up the same space as a large car, so I can manoeuvre and park in most places. I have a "stealth-camper" and use the "arrive late and leave early" principle, so some spots I've used wouldn't be suitable for others. I would always consider other members needs and also have some first-hand knowledge of the spot before I would recommend it as a POI for use by anyone.

I know that the POI system can never be foolproof, and that conditions may change after they are first submitted, but to save undermining the value of the POI database I think we should try to only submit good quality, preferably tried and tested locations. There will be a variety of views on this and I don't expect everyone will agree with my thoughts!! :)
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Agree entirely.
We try and check as whilst the database contains some gems, there are some spots that are clearly b***dy awful - e.g. small layby on fast/busy/noisy road where noone in their right mind would stay.
I've submitted as many removals as new entries as the spots were unusable or signed against.
Not fair on canalsman.
I agree, Also would it not be better to submit several POI's in 1 thread rather than opening a new thread for each POI. It seems at the moment that as soon as I logon the whole of the home screen is full of POI submissions, which, although I appreciate the effort put into these, it does make keeping up with new posts rather difficult.

I've been putting a few locations each day when I have the time instead of 20 a day which floods the thread page.

I read that the prefererd way to add locations was individual posts for each entry with location by the side.

I visit every location before submitting and ask myself would I stop there?

I've rejected more than I submit after checking.

As for doing it for a prize. I started adding locations when I realized there were none in my area. If everyone added a few for their area we would have 10,000 POIs.

Nothing to do with prizes. For me it's been about encouraging fellow motor homes owners to visit my area and give them some local information.

I've taken many photos but the system just says file to large.
I also agree that some of these places are not entirely suitable, especially for larger vans, but have no quibbles with canalsman as he puts a great deal of effort into this.This weekend we sussed out parts of Yorkshire we didn't know, in the car, with the idea of returning, if suitable, in the motorhome. We were wise, as the steep and twisting roads were definitely a no go area for our underpowered 21 feet van!!
I am sorry for flooding the forum.

I appreciate that the places I use are not ideal/perfect for others, I guess I just think about things being t25 size.

I cannot help but feel this thread is aimed at me, sorry of I have upset people, I am only putting down places I have been to or have been recommended to me by fellow t25 users.

I guess I have not made the best entrance then. I just like to give back what I get from a forum.
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I am sorry for flooding the forum.

I appreciate that the places I use are not ideal/perfect for others, I guess I just think about things being t25 size.

I cannot help but feel this thread is aimed at me, sorry of I have upset people, I am only putting down places I have been to or have been recommended to me by fellow t25 users.

I guess I have not made the best entrance then. I just like to give back what I get from a forum.

Not at all, your efforts are really appreciated, just suggesting more efficient ways of posting.

I would always vet the places myself, using streetview if possible before using. Even though I only have small stealth type van, 5.4m and can go most places a car can.

In fact, I don't have a sat nav, so will actually find the place on Google Maps first. I have a 3G modem and laptop so can get internet pretty much anywhere. I can appreciate some people will just put the coords into the sat nav, but it's on your head if you do that. It's not possible to vet the places to suit everyone. For example, some people can tolerate being near a more major road or railway. Some can't.

A case in point would be Ribblehead which I think is one of the best locations in the country but a few don't like the railway line at night. So wherever the POI is, it's incumbent on people to check it out to see if it would suit them, although if some extra information can be included in the notes that would be nice. But I don't want to create extra work for canalsman and am happy with the current system.
but to save undermining the value of the POI database I think we should try to only submit good quality, preferably tried and tested locations.

I do not think the database is being undermined. All locations should be valued as long as it is a place that can be used as a stopover.

Whilst a forest bound car park can be ideal, sometimes all I may need is a layby to stop in on my travels. So they all fit in to a bigger picture. It depends on why you are wild camping that day.

It should be down to us to research the site before using it and gut feeling of course when you turn up. I made that mistake last week, when my approach to the spot by a 24ft van was rather entertaining! Had I arrived by the road we left on it would have been far easier and more pleasurable experience.

Maybe what is needed is just a method of recording and retrieving more information on sites or adding reviews?

But I say the more the merrier as long as it is a safe location (as safe as you can be anyway).
Just a thought...

...would it be possible to include a short description on the map pin in Goole Earth. The great thing about Google Earth and POI is it is very easy to navigate, however if you are not connected to the internet when you are using it the hyperlinks are redundant.

When people submit POI's for submission, could they maybe complete a really short form, such as max size of vehicle, proximity to road, small photo etc. It makes people think about the quality of thier submissions maybe and lets people know what to expect. When you are on the road you may not always be able to find all the info you need. Some of the directions people give in their postings about wild camping spots are really handy.

We managed to wild camp round the coast of Wales using all the POI's from canalsman hard work (Thanks), however it was tricky in parts to get some of the info without internet connections. It would be great to have all the info next to the map pin so you could work out a suitable location to head for every morning, rather than having to plan in advance, or find wifi connection.

I don't wish to make more work for anyone but I wondered if a more formulaic approach might help smooth out some of these issues.
...would it be possible to include a short description on the map pin in Goole Earth. The great thing about Google Earth and POI is it is very easy to navigate, however if you are not connected to the internet when you are using it the hyperlinks are redundant.

When people submit POI's for submission, could they maybe complete a really short form, such as max size of vehicle, proximity to road, small photo etc. It makes people think about the quality of thier submissions maybe and lets people know what to expect. When you are on the road you may not always be able to find all the info you need. Some of the directions people give in their postings about wild camping spots are really handy.

We managed to wild camp round the coast of Wales using all the POI's from canalsman hard work (Thanks), however it was tricky in parts to get some of the info without internet connections. It would be great to have all the info next to the map pin so you could work out a suitable location to head for every morning, rather than having to plan in advance, or find wifi connection.

I don't wish to make more work for anyone but I wondered if a more formulaic approach might help smooth out some of these issues.

Hi Brian's mum,

Do you not think that would not make it a very large file to go into a very small satnav memory?

I am sorry for flooding the forum.

I appreciate that the places I use are not ideal/perfect for others, I guess I just think about things being t25 size.

I cannot help but feel this thread is aimed at me, sorry of I have upset people, I am only putting down places I have been to or have been recommended to me by fellow t25 users.

I guess I have not made the best entrance then. I just like to give back what I get from a forum.


You where being positive and helpful. Nothing too much wrong with that.

Thanks guys. Just seamed a little like it was aimed at me as I am new to the forum and have posted a load of places - paranoia perhaps.

I grant you some of the places I have posted I have not visited, but they are from reliable sources or places I know near me, there are plenty more I have to add its just getting time to do them all.

Perhaps (dunno if it is possible) we can add what vehicles the POI suits. I know many that I used to go to in my 4X4 (with roof tent) that I certainly wouldn't be able to reach in my T25.
...would it be possible to include a short description on the map pin in Goole Earth. The great thing about Google Earth and POI is it is very easy to navigate, however if you are not connected to the internet when you are using it the hyperlinks are redundant.

When people submit POI's for submission, could they maybe complete a really short form, such as max size of vehicle, proximity to road, small photo etc. It makes people think about the quality of thier submissions maybe and lets people know what to expect. When you are on the road you may not always be able to find all the info you need. Some of the directions people give in their postings about wild camping spots are really handy.

We managed to wild camp round the coast of Wales using all the POI's from canalsman hard work (Thanks), however it was tricky in parts to get some of the info without internet connections. It would be great to have all the info next to the map pin so you could work out a suitable location to head for every morning, rather than having to plan in advance, or find wifi connection.

I don't wish to make more work for anyone but I wondered if a more formulaic approach might help smooth out some of these issues.

If you found some of the POI's to be not suitable in some way (ie, no good for big vans) then there is nothing to stop you going to the correct area of this forum (ie Cornwall etc.) and either adding this info to an existing thread or starting a new thread. This would mean different people were each adding a little extra information rather than one person have a pile of work to do (for no pay, in his spare time). The information would be there for all to see, not just the full members.
Oh yes. You can't please all the people all the time!

Probably places only accessible to 4x4 would be going a bit far as not many people have that capability in their camper.

But to save work for canalsman and reduce size of files for sat nav, I feel we may be able between us to produce some reviews of the POI and post them in a text file or thread in the members section. For example I would be willing to do the ones in Herts and Essex. If we split the country between us it would not be too much work. People could print off the counties they were interested in before they went so those that don't have internet on the move could still refer, while those that do can look up the thread.

I'm sure with at least 100 keen active members we could cover the country and even if it wasn't up to date with respect to all the latest POI, some info would be better than no info!
Thanks guys. Just seamed a little like it was aimed at me as I am new to the forum and have posted a load of places - paranoia perhaps.

I grant you some of the places I have posted I have not visited, but they are from reliable sources or places I know near me, there are plenty more I have to add its just getting time to do them all.

Perhaps (dunno if it is possible) we can add what vehicles the POI suits. I know many that I used to go to in my 4X4 (with roof tent) that I certainly wouldn't be able to reach in my T25.

No problems Nij :)

I try to apply the same rules and common sense to all the entries submitted - and I also look for spots myself using OS maps and Google.

I do not add spots that are too small for a motorhome because this site is for motorhomes - smaller vans will of course still be able to use the places in the POI downloads.


...would it be possible to include a short description on the map pin in Goole Earth. The great thing about Google Earth and POI is it is very easy to navigate, however if you are not connected to the internet when you are using it the hyperlinks are redundant.

When people submit POI's for submission, could they maybe complete a really short form, such as max size of vehicle, proximity to road, small photo etc. It makes people think about the quality of thier submissions maybe and lets people know what to expect. When you are on the road you may not always be able to find all the info you need. Some of the directions people give in their postings about wild camping spots are really handy.

We managed to wild camp round the coast of Wales using all the POI's from canalsman hard work (Thanks), however it was tricky in parts to get some of the info without internet connections. It would be great to have all the info next to the map pin so you could work out a suitable location to head for every morning, rather than having to plan in advance, or find wifi connection.

I don't wish to make more work for anyone but I wondered if a more formulaic approach might help smooth out some of these issues.

The restrictions of displaying info on sat navs make it difficult to include more details. The categorisations of car park, layby, rural, urban etc should help pinpoint a spot that will suit your requirements. The addition of a A or B road number also gives a good clue as to the traffic levels. And if there's no road number, i.e. it's an unclassified road, it's likely to be a peaceful spot.

Hopefully this will help you find what you're seeking :)


I have just started wildcamping and came today to add feedback on the stops we have used this week. As the day wears on I pull in and check on the sat nav which stops I am near and then use the search feature on the forum to check for comments left by others that is how we came to have a safe night in a layby on the A1 another in lytham , one at the lindisfarne causeway etc and how I avoided spending a night on a disused rd which was probably a good spot but nobody had endorsed it so I stayed away I will now go add my comments

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