Provision of motorhome parking Government petition.


Full Member
Just seen this petition on another web site, thought it would be worth posting it on here.

'Motorhome Freedom

Responsible department: Department for Transport

We would like to petition the government to provide overnight and resting place facilities specifically for motorhomes the like of which are to be found in such countries as Germany,France,Italy,Spain etc.Or to place the onus to provide on the local authority. '

The link is:-

Motorhome Freedom - e-petitions
There was another one with a similar theme. Best to sign that one rather than start/link yet another new one or they'll never reach 100,000!

Also it's probably a waste of time in the current climate of cuts. They cost money and local authorities are looking to cut money at the moment. I know they have more aires in France etc but the culture is totally different here. They'd be occupied in a week by 50 travellers who would shortly go off to another one and leave the council a £10k bill for clearing up heaps of scrap and rubbish. That's Britain for you!
hi there isnt a restriction on how many you sign . do as many as comes up. if you know a link to another put it up here as well. i signed it earlier. but if all sign as many as we can lets hope at least one hits the mark. after all it doesnt cost you. except a few mins.
The countries mentioned are much more 'holiday' countries than the U.K. and, whilst everyone always mentions France, which is a massive country with five times more land than the UK, they often forget the other European countries that have no aires or very few. Holland for instance or the Scandinavian countries.

I'm currently in Portugal and have just left Spain and neither country is blessed with anything like the number of aires that France has.

And, as it's already been said, unlike Britain, the other countries don't have Irish tinkers and travelers like we do, which is result of our historic links with Ireland and our shared language.

I'm sorry to be negative but I won't be wasting my time on any petitions I'm afraid. They have no chance of succeeding.
Unfortunately it's true that these minority interest petitions have absolutely zero hope of hitting 100,000.

Even the common interest ones struggle to get more than a couple of thousand sigs. Only a tiny handful have got to 100,000 including "cut benefits for rioters" "fair fuel costs". These are majority interest petitions which attract support from everyone.

Spending money on aires for motorhomes is only of interest for motorhomers (only 112,000 motorhomes in the UK total National Caravan Council ) so it is doomed from the start to get anywhere near 100,000 sigs in the time limit allowed.

And even if it does get 100,000, it just makes it "eligible" for debate, or it "could be debated". They are fairly careful to say they don't guarantee a debate. If they did ever debate it in the current climate, they are going to say, "we can't afford this due to spending cuts and national deficit."

So on about 3 separate counts it's a complete waste of time. But go ahead sign it if you want, it can't do any harm
The problem with being negative is that if everyone thought that way then nothing would succeed. Even if you don't think it will succeed why not sign it anyway, costs nothing and you can always come back later and say 'Told you so', but at least another name would have been added to the petition :cool1:
The problem with being negative is that if everyone thought that way then nothing would succeed. Even if you don't think it will succeed why not sign it anyway, costs nothing and you can always come back later and say 'Told you so', but at least another name would have been added to the petition

I have already tried that approach.

I have seen these motorhome petitions do the rounds on the forums many many times before and signed them all. They all end up with about 500 sigs max and die a death. So I can already say "I told you so"... and that was in a time without the current climate of cuts so it makes even less sense now.

The figure speak for themselves. 112,000 motorhomes - not all of whom will be on the net, a tiny fraction, of which will see the petition, and not all of whom who see it will want to sign anyway. It's not being negative just realist to say it has a snowball's chance in hell. Sorry about that.

But please sign it, if you believe it will work. Personal belief and doing what you feel is right is the most important thing for any individual :)

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