This is what a google search brings up
The Motor-home Fun Club is planning to bring 15 campervans to Hawick for rallies from December 29 to January 2 and from March 24 to 28.
They have asked for the top end of the Common Haugh car park to be sectioned off for their exclusive use during those periods.
Group members provide an economic boost to the town during their visits and members of Hawick Common Good Fund Sub-Committee gave their support to the plan at a meeting last week.
Presenting the request, Derek Tait, of Future Hawick, said: “They come in numbers, roughly between 15 and 20 campervans each time. They are looking to have a rally in the town over the New Year and they are wanting to have all their vans together and what they are looking for is the top end of the Haugh, which is going to be dedicated to campervans eventually, to be made available to them for their ‘exclusive’ use, while they are in the town.
It is, as I understand, something which they are prepared to pay for. They love coming to the town and they would like to come back but they just want to be assured they can be together and they are prepared to pay for the privilege.