problems in andalucia


just returned from my usual winter trip to spain(yeah i know i'm early but there sound financial reasons )
for the last 3 years i've been on the beaches around the el palmar and conil area and no problems but this year the beach at el p has been fenced off and the police are handing out regular fines in tarifa resulting in far too many people in far too few spots.started out ok in the school car pk in el p but usual deal with newbies not realizing we have a few rules(mess, drug dealing etc).
the algarve is still ok as far as i can tell,but things are going missing on all the surfable beaches both in spain and portugal, just be aware of this and no big deal.
hope the info helps, i will be going back as soon as the check clears, so it ain't so bad i guess
see you on the road

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