This thread has left me feeling very sad. It's basically a rather uplifting story about a young couple who, unable to afford a conventional home, used enterprise and initiative to find alternative accommodation. I applaud their courage and their refusal to give up when they couldn't find a house in their price range.
At the same time as I was writing this another member started a thread entitled 'Happy thread anyone?' and I posted a link to this thread thinking that it would surely qualify as a happy post. I was told by the OP of that thread that: "Sorry but it didnt make me smile...because, ONE - I hate (sorry dislike) the Daily Mail and TWO I dont like the way the article is written." Since then another person has followed in the same vein and criticised the newspaper for being condescending in its gushing praise for the mod cons that the couple have fitted. It's a popular-newspaper article for God's sake, not a scientific treatise!
Others on this thread have similarly concentrated on the newspaper itself and the way that the article is written, although not all I must add, and many have been supportive and appear to feel as I do about this couple.
What sort of miseries have we become that an article can only be heart-warming and uplifting if it happens to be in a newspaper that is of your own political persuasion? I happened to come across it on-line when browsing other news articles and thought that it was a lovely story and would cheer up members of this forum as the couple in question have become motorhomers! Personally, I couldn't care less whether this article had been in the Socialist Worker or the Daily Telegraph, it's irrelevant. It's about a young couple, just starting out in life who've refused to be beaten by the system and have devised their own, slightly unusual way, of providing accommodation for themselves without resorting to help from the state.
I would have thought that, as fellow motorhomers, we'd be applauding their initiative, but all that some of us can do is carp and moan about the fact that it's the Daily Mail, or whatever other hackneyed and unfunny appellations they seem to enjoy using for this organ e.g. Daily Fail, Daily Wail etc. etc.
It is very depressing that, for a minority of people, such a good-news story can only be appreciated if it's in a newspaper which has views that accord with your own.