

Anyone in Portugal or just back ? I'm heading down in 2 weeks & just wondered what the story is with wildcamping. Last I heard the Algarve was out the GNR were moving people on & everyone was up in the Baragems. Is that still the case ?

I have a couple of friends currently in different parts of Portugal, and by phone/e-mail say they are not having any problems wilding. The GNR have a little push now and again as we all know, but on the whole things don't get too bad. Have a good trip.

Happy Camping:)
The intension is to go down the coast from Porto Covo onwards to Sagres. We've over wintered on the Algarve a couple of times for 3 month stints, the weather is good & we always hung out on derserted beaches, Boca, Ingrina, the far end if Quateria or even in land at Paderne etc etc - we're looking to get away from it all not get down with the HP Sauce & Warburtons crew ( No offense just not my thing)

If the weather was going to be better we'd stay further north, but less face it ... it ain't
the reason for going to the algarve at this time of year is that it is warmer down there.

you don't have to stay at the touristy bits. the north eastern algarve is a great area for wild camping.

found a great spot on the algarve/alentjo border and some days i'd only move a mile or two south. parked up at one spot & let the dog out. she went haring of up the road & when i looked up there was a wild boar legging it across the road for the safety of the scrub on the other side. the next day out walking the dog she got to a very deep pool at the bottom of a steep rockface and started barking. when i got there i saw a terrapin about 10 feet down diving as fast as it could.

a lot of the villages round there still have the communal taps. some of the bigger villages have public toilets to empty the cassette in.

every couple of weeks i would drive over to Amexial on the N2 to do the laundry. parked up on a big tarmac area alongside a 'font'. the only other vehicles that came on there were a tractor going to the fields and a van driver who stopped for his morning break.

i'd be there now if the new dog's pet passport would let us come back.

if i knew how i'd post some pictures but here are some co-ordinates for anyone who wants some wild camping spots in the north eastern algarve.

on the Alentjo side of the river Vascao which is the Algarve/Alentjo border N37° 25' 50" W7° 53' 37"

alongside a newly surfaced road north of Mestras used by at least 6 vehicles a day N37° 24' 21" W7° 51' 34"

Amexial alongside the 'font' N37° 22' 4" W7° 58' 6"
hi billyb

tried Paderne once to do the laundry & meet some friends who were on the C&CC rally at Albufeira.

once was enough for staying there. some of the dutch & germans had been there for weeks if not months and none of them appeared to have cleaned up after their dogs. nice to see the locals come down to do their washing. he drops her off in the pickup and goes off to the bar returning for her several hours later.

i still use it but just to call in & to dump & fill. Paderne N37° 10' 5" W8° 12' 33"

if you have refillable gas bottles there are 2 refilling places within 5 - 10 miles of Paderne. One at Boliqueime, just off the N125, & the other a few miles south at a petrol station on the RHS travelling south.
Know what you mean about Paderne, great place til the germans started washing their dogs in the fountain near the road & the water ran down the troughs into the basins where the locals were rinsing their weekly load.... thanks for the gas tips, used Boliquieme ?? before. On this latest van I've had 2 big LPG tanks fitted so I should Ok til about 2017 lol


epsom may have Derby Day but Amexial has Dhobi Day

there's no stopping me now i've found out how.

Algarve/Alentjo border. Van is on the Alentjo side of the river Vascao


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