POI's Motorhome parkings

Looks good to me Leo;),I found 2 or 3 places close to me that I wasnt aware of:eek:,,, Thanks again:cool:
Motorhome parkings

Thanks Lenny
All credits though for those who made these lists, it must have been a hell of a job. If this is good, it isn't practical at all in the way it is presented now.
First it should be rearranged per town or municipality and then per county to give a usefull guidance. Maybe members could check it out on their proper surroundings ? A hell of a task, I'm afraid, but it could be done when a lot of members could take each a little slice and post these here afterwards.
I hope I didn't throw a stick in the hen-house :eek:
First it should be rearranged per town or municipality and then per county to give a usefull guidance

Quite right Leo County first then town/city, street:D even so a good link
as you all say counties first would help organise it a little better
but the map is an exelent idea
no need for directions
I have a feeling if you subscribe you get the full file which lists all the details instead of just coords and a site description - but I could nt find a definite answer to that.
All you need is the free program poiedit - just put that in google and you should find it.
Go to the download section and get it in the language you want.
Then you can download any POIs you want - show them on a map - edit or delete - then save in any format you want, for your device
It's very easy to create your own file, or merge files. Just about anything you want.
I have been using it for years
If this is good, it isn't practical at all in the way it is presented now.
First it should be rearranged per town or municipality and then per county to give a usefull guidance.

I don't see the need to 'organize' it - if you just import into something like Autoroute the pushpins show you which county/town/position etc. The list is not for perusing as such it is purely for mapping progs.

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