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I downloaded my email this morning to find I had received 78 emails over night complaining about threads on this forum!
I try my best to moderated this forum as little as possible as generally I am damed if I do and Damed if I don't.
However thing are going to far, members are leaving and others are offended because of the arguments between members.
1) Please keep posts on topic, I will be deleting off topic posts if they are not a logical continuation of the topic.
2) Please do not make posts that are against the rules of this forum.
3) Please do not try and be smart by correcting peoples spelling or gramar.
Here is a reminder of some of the forum rules:
Ad Hominem comments/personal attacks towards anyone - staff, forum member, or a visitor who is likely to view it on the forums - is subject to the message being deleted and action taken against the user, regardless of how pertinent or thoughtful the rest of the message might be.
You may not use terms or audio/visual materials referring to ethnic/national origin, ideological/religious beliefs, gender, or sexual preference in a demeaning context.
We have no tolerance for discrimination. You are in violation of this rule if the nature of your post discriminates, promotes hate, promotes violence or advocates hatred or discrimination against individuals, groups, races, cultures or organisations because of their ethnic/national origin, skin colour or culture.
Derogatory Terms
If you use any terms in an offensive context against a person, race, culture, group or organisation, as determined by our moderators, you are in violation of this rule.
Please note that words carry different meanings in different cultures, and that while a word may be acceptable use in one part of the world, it may not be in another. In addition, any one can invent their own derogatory terms, unfortunately. Because of those factors, we will evaluate the context in which the term was used to determine whether a violation has occurred.
Forum Etiquette
1. Respect the netiquette: get to know the forum before you post.
2. Do not post negative posts and discussions that are repeated over and over and over with no other purpose than to disrupt conversation.
3. Do not disrupt multiple threads in order to get your view out.
4. You may not bait/troll members.
5. You may not bait, insult, flame, or otherwise abuse a staff member.
6. You may not post graphically-disturbing/insulting images.
7. You may not post in a manner that is harmful to the site.
8. Do not write in all capital letters, its considered shouting and is quite hard to read.
9. Remain respectful of other members, moderators and administrators at all times.
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective, but do it in a respectful and non dismissive manor.
However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in these forums, or if you have paid to be here, you are expected to obey these rules. Doing otherwise will get your account banned temporarily, or permanently if the situation becomes severe enough (this will be left to the discretion of the moderation team). Please remember to stay mature and thoughtful at all times.
Please try and follow them.
I try my best to moderated this forum as little as possible as generally I am damed if I do and Damed if I don't.
However thing are going to far, members are leaving and others are offended because of the arguments between members.
1) Please keep posts on topic, I will be deleting off topic posts if they are not a logical continuation of the topic.
2) Please do not make posts that are against the rules of this forum.
3) Please do not try and be smart by correcting peoples spelling or gramar.
Here is a reminder of some of the forum rules:
Ad Hominem comments/personal attacks towards anyone - staff, forum member, or a visitor who is likely to view it on the forums - is subject to the message being deleted and action taken against the user, regardless of how pertinent or thoughtful the rest of the message might be.
You may not use terms or audio/visual materials referring to ethnic/national origin, ideological/religious beliefs, gender, or sexual preference in a demeaning context.
We have no tolerance for discrimination. You are in violation of this rule if the nature of your post discriminates, promotes hate, promotes violence or advocates hatred or discrimination against individuals, groups, races, cultures or organisations because of their ethnic/national origin, skin colour or culture.
Derogatory Terms
If you use any terms in an offensive context against a person, race, culture, group or organisation, as determined by our moderators, you are in violation of this rule.
Please note that words carry different meanings in different cultures, and that while a word may be acceptable use in one part of the world, it may not be in another. In addition, any one can invent their own derogatory terms, unfortunately. Because of those factors, we will evaluate the context in which the term was used to determine whether a violation has occurred.
Forum Etiquette
1. Respect the netiquette: get to know the forum before you post.
2. Do not post negative posts and discussions that are repeated over and over and over with no other purpose than to disrupt conversation.
3. Do not disrupt multiple threads in order to get your view out.
4. You may not bait/troll members.
5. You may not bait, insult, flame, or otherwise abuse a staff member.
6. You may not post graphically-disturbing/insulting images.
7. You may not post in a manner that is harmful to the site.
8. Do not write in all capital letters, its considered shouting and is quite hard to read.
9. Remain respectful of other members, moderators and administrators at all times.
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective, but do it in a respectful and non dismissive manor.
However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in these forums, or if you have paid to be here, you are expected to obey these rules. Doing otherwise will get your account banned temporarily, or permanently if the situation becomes severe enough (this will be left to the discretion of the moderation team). Please remember to stay mature and thoughtful at all times.
Please try and follow them.
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