Please Help Find That Wee Lassie

Sam was the one who asked for the site to support the appeal and I whole heartedly agree.

I have three Daughters and I cannot imagine the pain that her parents must be feeling let alone the fate of poor Madeleine.

I have also donated money to the appeal, a few pounds of my money my not have a great effect. However atleast I feel that I have now done the things in my power to help bring Madeline home.

I am going to buy some yellow ribbon and put a bow on the market cross in the town. Let us let God know we want this little girl to be safe.
hillwalker said:
Great Thinkin Samm,, Well Done Girl..
knoxy emailed me the link in a private email & i thought.....i wondered if our lovely admin phil would post a link to the site so our members could offer £ donations and maybe those travelling abroad may be able to help...i really hope she is found safe & well as im sure we all do..its heart breaking to think about it,but we must to help........samm x
admin said:
a few pounds of my money my not have a great effect
but phil thats great as if everyone donates a few pounds then it all adds up & makes big £ to help the appeal along...well done...samm x
Well done phil and sam ---good link
Rob and Jaine
***** said:
Yes, well done folks!:cool: :) :cool: :)
However I do not know if they need dosh as I heard something that they were been financed (also a reward) by some very rich guy & I would immagine more have stepped in.
But if needed I agree!

I am sure that when this matter is concluded they will put the money to good use.

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