picture shrinking

n brown

Full Member
just trying to put some pics on and they're too big,can anyone explain,in stupid-level simple terms how to make them a bit smaller ta
Im no expert but, your pc or laptop will probably have pre installed photo editor software on it...just make a copy of the picture then open it with your photo editor and play around with the copy until you learn how to resize it or save it in another format that makes it a smaller file to upload...
download vso image resizer and take them down too 640x480,must be eazy i do it and i always remember how to do it so it must be eazy:p
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Picture Shrinking

just trying to put some pics on and they're too big,can anyone explain,in stupid-level simple terms how to make them a bit smaller ta

Try using InfanView, its free to download. Once you have it just drag your picture into it and re save it will be much more managable I usually save each picture with a slightly different title that you keep the original.
I email the full size pic to myself. The email procedure prompts :- 'make all my photos smaller', I always say yes, then send.
When I receive them as an email (about 10 scs later) I save them to a folder 'email pics'. I can then post them on forums etc.


If you are using Microsoft Vista:

Open the photo you need.
Along the top there are various options, choose "OPEN" then click open "Microsoft Picture Manager".
Next choose and click on "FILE".
Next go to "export". Then choose "export using this size" and choose "doc-small ( 800x600).

That's what I use!

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