Petition to C&MC Club to provide Aire type accommodation


Full Member
When I’ve raised this subject on their website all I have got back are dismissive replies from tuggers that there is demand for such things in the UK.

It looks like someone is trying to exert a bit more pressure with this petition to the club chairman.

Parking for Motorhomes similar to the French style of Aire de camping car | Campaigns by You

Given the unlikelihood of LAs providing anything I think such clubs...particularly one that claims our name... should be under pressure to get out of its historical rut and make more suitable provisions for touring motorhomes. You can sign this whether member or not. Sadly such petitions rarely produce the numbers needed to make much noise with government, but this is focussed on a more selective target so even a few thousand voices may be more effective. I commend it to you all to sign whether C&C Club member or not.
You can give reasons for signing so reasons for not joining CCM Club as a motorhome member... or leaving may say something!

We have a lot of members, not just full members, so should be able to make some noise...if only we can be arsed!
When I’ve raised this subject on their website all I have got back are dismissive replies from tuggers that there is demand for such things in the UK.

It looks like someone is trying to exert a bit more pressure with this petition to the club chairman.

Parking for Motorhomes similar to the French style of Aire de camping car | Campaigns by You

Given the unlikelihood of LAs providing anything I think such clubs...particularly one that claims our name... should be under pressure to get out of its historical rut and make more suitable provisions for touring motorhomes. You can sign this whether member or not. Sadly such petitions rarely produce the numbers needed to make much noise with government, but this is focussed on a more selective target so even a few thousand voices may be more effective. I commend it to you all to sign whether C&C Club member or not.
You can give reasons for signing so reasons for not joining CCM Club as a motorhome member... or leaving may say something!

We have a lot of members, not just full members, so should be able to make some noise...if only we can be arsed!

Signed and left comment.
Thank you for bringing this petition to our attention, barge1914.

Colin 😊😊😊
I have signed.
I have been a long standing member of the Camc and fair do have never had a problem with anything to do with them in that time. We have our favourite sites with them and as we are getting on, doing less wilding.
I think that this idea is a good step forward and could be a C change in the evolution of camping in the UK enticing a younger demographic as well, into our hobby. I wish it a success.

Thanks for bringing to the attention of the forum.
Signed it too

Signed but I doubt it will acheive anything. I am a member of the C&MC but I'm with Cheerful Charlie on this one!
Signed. I note that the 1,000 signatures milestone was reached nearly a week ago and five or more people have signed since me. Although I won't hold my breath, surely C&MC can see that aires with (say) a £5 fee to park overnight and a further £5 fee to pump and dump will make aires financially viable?
:have fun::cry::dance::mad1::hammer::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::sad::sad::cry:
That's dearer than a pitch on their campsites very often !

Charlie, I suspect we live in different worlds! For the last few years, I think the least I've paid for a club pitch is about £15 and the least for a pitch on a certified site was £10. I'd be prepared to pay £5 a night for 'aire-style' parking and a further £5 every three or four days to pump and dump as that seems a reasonable amount to allow the providers to recoup their costs in a reasonable time, and not much more than I've paid at some French aires!
Caravan & Motorhome Club

I have signed this petition but do not expect it to raise any action. As a long standing member of the Caravan Club, when they added "Motorhome" to their title I wrote to them twice asking what they had planned to improve their service to motorhoming members (who now I believe total 40% of the membership). I suggested that they particularly could help their motorhome owning members by (1) lobbying councils to provide better parking facilities, especially in towns, and (2) allowing motorhomers to use their site facilities (water, waste disposal, etc) for a small fee without staying the night, as some Camping & Caravanning Club sites do. I did not receive a reply to either letter, nor was it published in their magazine - clearly their interest is commercial in filling their sites.
When I’ve raised this subject on their website all I have got back are dismissive replies from tuggers that there is demand for such things in the UK.

It looks like someone is trying to exert a bit more pressure with this petition to the club chairman.

Parking for Motorhomes similar to the French style of Aire de camping car | Campaigns by You

Given the unlikelihood of LAs providing anything I think such clubs...particularly one that claims our name... should be under pressure to get out of its historical rut and make more suitable provisions for touring motorhomes. You can sign this whether member or not. Sadly such petitions rarely produce the numbers needed to make much noise with government, but this is focussed on a more selective target so even a few thousand voices may be more effective. I commend it to you all to sign whether C&C Club member or not.
You can give reasons for signing so reasons for not joining CCM Club as a motorhome member... or leaving may say something!

We have a lot of members, not just full members, so should be able to make some noise...if only we can be arsed!

Duly signed:goodluck:
Charlie, I suspect we live in different worlds! For the last few years, I think the least I've paid for a club pitch is about £15 and the least for a pitch on a certified site was £10. I'd be prepared to pay £5 a night for 'aire-style' parking and a further £5 every three or four days to pump and dump as that seems a reasonable amount to allow the providers to recoup their costs in a reasonable time, and not much more than I've paid at some French aires!

Our mutual circumstances different I suspect but CLumber Park off peak £7 per night and for that pump and dump, EHU tv signal amplification and a long shower with shaving points ....Why pay £10 for less ? I actually feel a little for the CLS I suspect they have difficulty competing

CAMC are a commercial organisation enjoy no charity number or do they ? they certainly behave commercial and could be forgiven for believing facility is already offered If people don't want to pay, nor need EHU etc that isn't their problem

My own thoughts re wilding or the tyoe of wilding people want is lobbying such as the canal and Rivers trust and developing some template similar to French passion where thos who provide see an incremental benefit ....LAs and The big clubs don't

Our mutual circumstances different I suspect but CLumber Park off peak £7 per night and for that pump and dump, EHU tv signal amplification and a long shower with shaving points ....Why pay £10 for less ? I actually feel a little for the CLS I suspect they have difficulty competing

CAMC are a commercial organisation enjoy no charity number or do they ? they certainly behave commercial and could be forgiven for believing facility is already offered If people don't want to pay, nor need EHU etc that isn't their problem

My own thoughts re wilding or the tyoe of wilding people want is lobbying such as the canal and Rivers trust and developing some template similar to French passion where thos who provide see an incremental benefit ....LAs and The big clubs don't


I agree Channa, the big clubs are not going to invest in additional low income provision nor are they going to give over parts of existing sites and lose pitch income. Everyone quite rightly praises French aires etc, but we have to recognise that the French local government system is quite different to ours. Whereas a local Mairie can recognise and implement a new facility, English town and parish councils ( the nearest equivalent) very rarely own the necessary land and certainly don’t have the Council Tax income without raising the local precept. It is the smaller organisation, like the Canal Trust or heritage railways, that may have surplus non-operational land which, with relatively small expense, could be made available to benefit both parties. In some ways, it is our knowledge of what is needed in terms of facilities, that would be helpful in identifying those opportunities and suggesting them to the relevant organisation. Like others have said in the past, we too have drifted away from some wild camping spots, preferring to use those we know will be ok and a greater use of CL’s.
Our mutual circumstances different I suspect but CLumber Park off peak £7 per night and for that pump and dump, EHU tv signal amplification and a long shower with shaving points ....Why pay £10 for less ? I actually feel a little for the CLS I suspect they have difficulty competing [...]

I must be getting 'had'; I checked and Clumber Park C&MC site is advertised as "From £16.20" when I log onto the C&MC website -- and that seems the cheapest for us (two adults + pitch, mid-week in December). The cheapest CL I've used this year cost me £12 per night with or without EHU. In comparison, £5 per night for 'dry camping' seems reasonable to me and I'd have no objection to paying £5 to 'pump and dump' at a service point.
I agree Channa, the big clubs are not going to invest in additional low income provision nor are they going to give over parts of existing sites and lose pitch income. Everyone quite rightly praises French aires etc, but we have to recognise that the French local government system is quite different to ours. Whereas a local Mairie can recognise and implement a new facility, English town and parish councils ( the nearest equivalent) very rarely own the necessary land and certainly don’t have the Council Tax income without raising the local precept. It is the smaller organisation, like the Canal Trust or heritage railways, that may have surplus non-operational land which, with relatively small expense, could be made available to benefit both parties. In some ways, it is our knowledge of what is needed in terms of facilities, that would be helpful in identifying those opportunities and suggesting them to the relevant organisation. Like others have said in the past, we too have drifted away from some wild camping spots, preferring to use those we know will be ok and a greater use of CL’s.
You have put it better than I can

LA;s with budget cuts to social services , libraries education closing public toilets we are way off the radar. The French having more spare land pro rata also draw down EU funding which the Brits seem reluctant to do ( never fathomed that one) THe large clubs are all about occupancy and revenue. As a group of people our focus is perhaps wrong. Garden Centres , Country houses etc lobbying those may be more fruitful A niche market for a niche group of users ?

We are paying £5 at a CL that has dump and water
We pay £7 at another on hard standing that has ehu but you pay for what you use by buying cards so about £1 for electric in summer .
Moving onto a concentration camp in September as it's cheaper than wilding at £9 including ehu.

I was on one with Charlie two weeks ago that was £5 per night, drinking water and toilet disposal
We were long time members of the CAMC, and have used many CLs to o/n and pump & dump for £5; last year I pressed their committee to tell me why they could not provide the same service that CCC does by allowing 3hrs use of certain club sites' facilities for £7. They tried to put me off by saying it was not allowed in their club rules, and when I persisted for them to specify where in their rules, after a long delay they quoted that their sites are for recreational use only!! Most amusing answer that did not answer my question, and clearly shows they are avoiding to cater for 40% of their membership; I have not renewed my membership this year, and am staying with CCC & wildcamping. :mad1:

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