Peter Hambilton's retiring.......


Full Member
as of 1st of Dec. 2018, & closing the company.
a sad day for the Hymer community.
simply the best.....& a real gent too.
I totally agree with the plaudits for Peter that have gone before,he is very skilled and neat as well as operating excellent customer service. He now has more time to indulge his other passion of flyiong his homebuilt plane!
Have a happy and long retirement Peter!
Not quite understanding why they would announce on their website that when he retires that the business will cease trading as who is going to use them at all now ?
I certainly wouldn't have any work done or purchase anything as it is now going to be without any real warranty ?

When i was in motor trade my boss told me there is no such thing as warranty but only the best price you buy at,i ask what he ment and his reply was,if you buy on monday at full price and co goes bust on friday where or what warrenty do you have,none,where as if you got two grand of the price then the warranty dont mater a sh-t cos softened by good deal,fix it your self.
To this day i always buy with this in mind.
One experience dissapointing
wanted to charge £1000 and a week to change a hymer window
bought the window myself from hymer £200 and it took me 6 hours to do
One experience dissapointing
wanted to charge £1000 and a week to change a hymer window
bought the window myself from hymer £200 and it took me 6 hours to do

He was charging the correct price,if you had a work shop im well sure you would want the going rate plus parts.
you like me are lucky to be able to fix are problems but other folk have not one clue about diy on cars vans etc never mind putting a shelf up in the house.:scared:
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Sounds like they will be missed should we club together and buy it ? better than pensions

Which remembering the above brings me to Trevs point. I had a boss he was buying a business and he crossed out goodwill I asked him why ?

He said " Andrew. If ever you retire the day you walk out the door your reputation walks with you !" Always remember that a life lesson

Again, Spot on Andrew, you are only as good as your last job!

I used to have an excellent reputation in the Marine Trade, I could get a job anywhere, but I expect nobody would remember me now:sad:
Sad but true!

Well mabe 5 more years for me and out of marine trade to,if i live that long.:scared:

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