Pesky flies!


It seems flies love to hibernate in our van. Keep getting the little buggers around windows. I opened the drivers door and bucket load of um flew out.
How do you kill the ba****ds.

I am sure somewhere else on this site this topic has come up before. So if has please point me in the direction of. Or may be it's just me that attracts the flies.
Fill the van with gert big f**k off spiders :D Job done :D

Dam fine problem , there would only be me sleeping in the Van. Oh hang on she is out of the room now. Great , off into the Garage now. Couple big mothers down there. Been feeding them whole mice for year now.

Putting spiders in the van....Tother half could only compare that to a Bush Tucker trial unfortunately....:D:D

She dont like spiders. Shame !:eek::eek::eek:

So what do large F**ck Off spiders do better than little ones. Guess they are stronger and can hold the can of Fly spray on there own.

We do have one of them electrified tennis rackets that zap them. Trouble is smashed the whole van up now , chasing after the little ****es. Like, no lights left but still got plenty of flies.
Mind where we been staying this week , bugger all else to do in evenings.
Seriously, the Land Rover forums usually have a post running every so often about spiders. They even refer to the problem as "Land Rover Spider" It seems to affect the older Mk 1, 2 and 3 more than the new things.
The cure, and it seems to work, is to put a load of Horse Chestnuts along the top of the dash board. The fumes off the things keeps spiders away.

If you cannot afford to feed two gert big spiders than may I suggest a few pots of THESE :D

Try a vacuum cleaner?

You better not let my Mrs hear you say that ! Of course we use a bl***y hover. You tried hovering in the window seals and down the back of cupboards.
They look to survive the winter , in fact the conduit that runs up the sides of some of the electricity poles we test are often full of them and if you bang the pole you set them off buzzing like crazy. Hell of a noise.
you sometimes get this problem with conservatory windows
flies appear from everywhere especialy if not opened for a while
the answer open the windows and doors more regularly and sweep them away
they are only hiding from the cold and windows on caravans and motorhomes have the ideal easy acces hiding places
also be aware that flys are atracted to even the slightest amount of food this
may only be the partices left by cooking fumes around the window surounds
so cleaning around the windows before leaving the van for a while may help
You better not let my Mrs hear you say that ! Of course we use a bl***y hover. You tried hovering in the window seals and down the back of cupboards.
They look to survive the winter , in fact the conduit that runs up the sides of some of the electricity poles we test are often full of them and if you bang the pole you set them off buzzing like crazy. Hell of a noise.

It's a lot less bovver wif a hover!!!:D:D:D:D
try hanging up one of those sticky fly catcher in house.failing that stop wc on farmyards.
Have you tried using fly zappers? I use these in our garden outbuilding all year round and they're very effective. 12v versions are available too.

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