pay and desplay parking bays


My current van is 18 foot and just fits into a road side parking bay, which I use often especially after 6pm as its free here in Manchester until 8am and all day sunday. Im looking at getting a bigger van, maybe an RV and wondered what the score is with over hang either onto another bay, onto a single yellow or double yellow, surely this is also dependant on wether its free or paid for time ?
don't know the official line on this but if you use 2 bays surely if you pay for 2 that should be ok but what about the overhang on the width that could cause problems, possibly even be classed as an obstruction. think maybe the best bet is to check with the department at the council that deals with parking.
wynnielafreak said:
My current van is 18 foot and just fits into a road side parking bay, which I use often especially after 6pm as its free here in Manchester until 8am and all day sunday. Im looking at getting a bigger van, maybe an RV and wondered what the score is with over hang either onto another bay, onto a single yellow or double yellow, surely this is also dependant on wether its free or paid for time ?
I think it differs from area to area different council different rules
Trevor said:
I think it differs from area to area different council different rules
yes i think you are right trev.....graham hadfield is an expert in this field...samm x
I was made to put 2 tickets on is skipton because I took 2 spaces but think I just got a jobs worth:D
Re: Bay size

We had an RV, when parked in Christchurch Dorset we got a ticket for "Not parking within the marked bays"! When I launched my appeal I was told "You should have parked in the coach bays which are longer". I wouldn't have minded is the car park had been full or if I was causing an obstruction, but it was out of season with only a dozen vehicles in the car park!

Now call me synical but what would the fine be for parking a motorhome in a bay marked 'Coach bay'!?!

If ANY vehicle overhangs a yellow line you CAN expect a fine!!
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Nosha said:
We had an RV, when parked in Christchurch Dorset we got a ticket for "Not parking within the marked bays"! When I launched my appeal I was told "You should have parked in the coach bays which are longer". I wouldn't have minded is the car park had been full or if I was causing an obstruction, but it was out of season with only a dozen vehicles in the car park!

Now call me synical but what would the fine be for parking a motorhome in a bay marked 'Coach bay'!?!

If ANY vehicle overhangs a yellow line you CAN expect a fine!!
they are so unfair eh nosha.when i was a coach driver & you couldnt get in a coach bay cause someother vehicle was parked in there instead well they would get booked as they were obstructing a coach trying to get in a coach cant win eh!!..if you'd have parked in the coach bay they'd have booked you there i bet...sammy x
walkers said:
don't know the official line on this but if you use 2 bays surely if you pay for 2 that should be ok but what about the overhang on the width that could cause problems, possibly even be classed as an obstruction. think maybe the best bet is to check with the department at the council that deals with parking.
Very good advice. The official line varies widely from place to place. See this thread -

The site gives official replies from quite a few local authorities over the use, accidental or otherwise, of two bays for longer vehicles.
I once owned a rather large US. station wagon , a 1978 Ford Ltd. when I lived in Torquay.
Torquay was quite vicious over its overspill into a second bay...Teignbridge never bothered and for years I cherished an official notice from the police in Plymouth saying "my son wants me to buy one!"

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