Parting thought for now


Whilst reading a post on this forum a short while ago concerning what insurance companies require by way of proof that your camper/motorhome is just that i came across someone with a link to a downloadable pdf of an engineers report to be taken to any mot station to be completed by that moter unfortunately the link was not operating but i would like to obtain a copy of same if anyone is able to point me to said downlaodable pdf i would be most obliged.
Whilst on the same subject i have also haerd of difficulties as regards the elctrical instulations with-in a selfbuit and have read many horror stories about vans being asked to leave sites,[which after all we will need to do on occasion to shower and charge our batteries at unfortunately], as we do not wish any conflict as we are going away touring to enjoy ourselfs we want to crossout as many probems as possible before we go and have onboard as many documents as is possible in order to stop anything like this becoming an issue, therefore does anyone know of anywhere i could obtain a downloadable pdf or otherwise form that i could take to an electrician to have my power supplies checked out and k'd prior to setting off.
And lastly does there anywhere exsist statutary law requirements for insurance purposes what constitutes your van becoming a motorhome etc so as we many construct a sort of checklist to ensure no future problems with either a site owner, insurance company or indeed the large arm of the law in this or any other country.
Best in this day and age to be safe rather than sorry i have always found and prefer to do this correctly where possible, [getting to old to chance it now after all lol].
I would thank any replies in advance as we have not as yet insured our camper as such and don't intend to until it is completed as it has not moved from my driveway since owning it apart from to take it around a few streets in our mostly quite village,[ it is still insured as a van, but will be getting changed over shortly when the other things that will make it a camper are complete], at which point i will have the enviable task of dealing with the insurance companies,[ i just can't wait].
Full specs would be good to cover such things as whether or not you need to have windows, skylights, onboard power etc etc and exactly what units and fitments you can get away with and what you can't ect.
Again thanks in advance of replies to this post
if you have any probs re insurance try adrian flux he specialises in home builds and also all m/h cover have a word with him he is very helpfull also dvlc will have allnessery info cheers
Whilst reading a post on this forum a short while ago concerning what insurance companies require by way of proof that your camper/motorhome is just that i came across someone with a link to a downloadable pdf of an engineers report to be taken to any mot station to be completed by that moter unfortunately the link was not operating but i would like to obtain a copy of same if anyone is able to point me to said downlaodable pdf i would be most obliged.
Thanks for that agian mandrake you are fast becoming my mentor here i think i would still like to get a copy of said engineers report however as it would make me happier in the knowledge it has been pro checked if we were ever to be pulled up
If anyone is able or indeed the original poster of that thread could get in touch to point me in the right direction it would help us emmensely.
For now


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