Parking in Buxton


Full Member
The council carpark at the bottom of Buxton has just been refurbed and there is a sign on the 'car' part that says if your vehicle is too big to use the coach/lorry park next to it under the viaduct. The small sign which I didn't get a pic of said this along with a limit in the 'car' part of 3.5tonnes.

On the face of it looks like you can stop overnight at a cost, not sure if you can use the toilet facilities to empty tanks or if there is water there but will see if we can find out. I think the toilets there are Radar so if you have a key you are sorted

If Derbyshire CC is true to form the signage good chance illegal ...Last time I parked in Buxton was at the Royal Devonshire Hospital which I Understand is gone.

If Derbyshire CC is true to form the signage good chance illegal ...Last time I parked in Buxton was at the Royal Devonshire Hospital which I Understand is gone.


The building is still there but is now a campus for Derby Uni. Its a while since you have been here then haha I spent a good few months in there back in the 70's its an amazing building and I think still allows visitors to go in
You can park in the coach park if you display valid ticket £5 for 4 hrs compared to £4 for for hours in the car park which has an height barrier also used to be a sign saying motorhomes use coach park
If Derbyshire CC is true to form the signage good chance illegal ...Last time I parked in Buxton was at the Royal Devonshire Hospital which I Understand is gone.


It's not a Derbyshire CC Car Park it's a local Borough Council Car Park. We use some of the Derbyshire Dales Car Parks overnight and no one bothers us. Costs a £1 after 6pm but you have to be up by 8am. We went last year to Matlock and parked near where the buses go. Got up around 7am and saw the Car Park warden heading towards us. Pulled my jeans and T shirt on and managed to open the door just before the knock. Young lady asked if I would mind moving as they were cordoning off part of the Car Park for an event. I told her we were going to get breakfast at the local cafe so she suggested we move to the bus bay. Don't worry about a ticket she said I won't be back round checking till after 12am

I got a parking ticket in Matlock Bath parked in the coach part with blue badge on display sp you did better than me :)
Unfortunately this car park is included in an Off Street Parking Order that prohibits sleeping, camping and cooking.

The Borough Council website states the following:

Overnight parking is permitted in the Sylvan coach park for coaches, lorries and motorhomes, Edale and Castleton village car parks for coaches and motorhomes. While overnight parking is allowed, customers must leave their vehicles and not sleep in them.
See their page at Motorhome parking - Derbyshire Dales District Council to see their strange rule that you can park a motorhome overnight but not occupy it. They seem quite happy that their car parks are subject to vandalism and lots of dogging, but object to the occupation of a self contained vehicle. Maybe second only to Cornwall in their desire to discourage motorhome touring in their area.
Of all the possibilities to "wildcamp" in Derbyshire....
A part time taxi rank/coach Park underneath some railway arches in the scuttiest bit of Buxton frankly isn't the top of my list of spots.

Seriously IF this is IT for Buxton.... I despair.

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