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For years my favorite oximorn ( contradiction in terms ) was microsoft works, because half the time it clearly does'nt. However as get older I find that another has taken its place.

Common sense, because it aint that common.We met an example this week that demonstrates it and makes life difficult for the rest of us. Our walk to the local shops involves a a stroll along the cliff tops near Bournemouth. Saturday parked in the middle of this lovely area for all to see was a caravan a ford van & a car. Young family setting out the gas bottles for the week. I gently pointed out that they would be asked to move on by the police. Three days later they have, been served an eviction order, but intend to stay until the last minute, annoying everybody within the vincinity and setting a terrible example to the children. We ALL enjoy our wild camping, but lets use a bit of common, arrive late - leave early - and leave no mess.

common sense is not even applied in this equation they chose a spot, liked it set up camp and had a week there, they will pull out go some where else and do it again,you'll have spent more time thinking and worring about it than they will its a breed or culture called bottom feeders in pond life:mad:
but someone will be along to point out thier rights:confused:

flamethrower springs to mind:rolleyes:
common sense is not even applied in this equation they chose a spot, liked it set up camp and had a week there, they will pull out go some where else and do it again,you'll have spent more time thinking and worring about it than they will its a breed or culture called bottom feeders in pond life:mad:
but someone will be along to point out thier rights:confused:

flamethrower springs to mind:rolleyes:

This behaviour doesnt help any of us.

Sadly it is instances like this that help assist authorities in becoming quite draconian in their attitudes to overnight camping.

On another thread one of our clan is working extremely hard with a local authority in the Lake District, in an attempt to persuade that providing for motorhomes will inject benefits to their local commerce etc.

Idiots like the ones in Bournemouth can and will undo genuine attempts at being welcomed to tourist areas.

All tarred with the same brush, and treated as leppers I suspect will be the eventual outocome in most places given time

i may be selfish :eek::D but i won't print on sites like this a lot of my stopping places ,i'll tell people as i talk to them etc.but 2wks ago at a place near scarboro us and another 2 vans had spent the friday nite after dinner saturday another van pulled in set up a umbereller(can't spell it)and a bbq ,left his waste pipe running onto the tarmac,at 6.30 the traffic warden came and told us we had to move or else:mad:he said they had been watching smoke from the bbq on cctv and seen the vans been used not just parked up, we have stayed there for years no probs till this gentelman decided to show us how to do it in style:mad:
i may be selfish :eek::D but i won't print on sites like this a lot of my stopping places ,i'll tell people as i talk to them etc.but 2wks ago at a place near scarboro us and another 2 vans had spent the friday nite after dinner saturday another van pulled in set up a umbereller(can't spell it)and a bbq ,left his waste pipe running onto the tarmac,at 6.30 the traffic warden came and told us we had to move or else:mad:he said they had been watching smoke from the bbq on cctv and seen the vans been used not just parked up, we have stayed there for years no probs till this gentelman decided to show us how to do it in style:mad:

Yup, Has much I want to be optimistic that one day we will enjoy the same attiitudes and tolerances of the French. You have illustrated again why perhaps pessimism is a more realistic outlook.

Why was he pouring his grey straight on to the tarmac? I guess because he didnt want to carry a gallon or so of water more than he needed too.

The net effect is negligible at best to economy etc etc. Dispose down a proper drain ....fine !!..nothing going in there that a domestic residence doesn't put in .

To be honest this attitude of trying to save 50 pence by not being responsible I cannot get my head around. If economic necessity dictates, He cant afford to run a motorhome !!

We have two candidates it seems for the inaugural 'Plonker of the Month award' Mr Near to Scarborough and Mr Bournemouth.

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