Owner seeks: new caravan....

I think 'yarn' also,
Its difficult to imagine someone. Would be that stupid, and his mate happens to be there to record events for posterity.

Anyone seen it before and how long ago please
tried to have a look but unfortunatly the public library has blocked it says its tooooo violent acording to form :D WHAT AM I MISSING PLEASE DESCRIBE PLEASE has somone been decapitated with a chainsaw or is sombody pulling legs off spiders :D i dont think i can live without finding out ,but if i do hang myself i will not be able to post the piccys cos it will be toooo violent :D

Hi there,
Pretty sure I was sent that one at
least a couple of years ago.
put it down as a stunt then.

still had a giggle though

Yarn synopsis;

Man in 4wd towing a small caravan through an archway/gateway
Opens with him apparently through but van like a cork in a bottle,

His mate (with camera) eggs him on & he backs up a yard before clogging it through, at which point van and its chassis part company,

Van body is now firmly jammed between walls.

Looks pretty staged especially with camera to hand.

Reckon I prefer the metro/caravan uphill then downhill clip,

(Don't tell me you've not seen that one now, its so old its in black &white)

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