Over land to Turkey


Hi all
we are planning a 4-month trip to turkey over land leaving this weekend.

We have a route planned however we are open to any suggestions and advices as we will be looking for some wild camping along the way as well as turkey, we will be spending 2 months there July august, has any body done this trip? Or can anybody have some tips for our journey would be greatly appreciated.

We have spoken to our insurance company and got our green card for turkey we also had Serbia put on just in case we take that route, also they have confirmed that we are fully compensative in European turkey and Asia turkey as well as recovery (however we have to fund the recovery and claim on our return only in Asia turkey) I have all this in a email from them confirming this just in case.

The route we have planned is Calais Belgium Luxembourg Germany Czech republic Hungary Romania Bulgaria turkey, which we have allocated 4 weeks to get to turkey

Can anybody confirm if it will be possible to get a ferry from Dardenelles in or MH as I read some ware it is possible? As we plan to take the Istanbul route on our way home.

Please if you have any suggestion they would be mostly appreciated

Brian & Lisa
Sounds like a fabulous trip. Sorry can't help with your questions, but keep a diary/journal of your trip and post it when you return. It's a trip on my list of places to go. Have a great holiday. Enjoy
Can anybody confirm if it will be possible to get a ferry from Dardenelles in or MH as I read some ware it is possible? As we plan to take the Istanbul route on our way home.

Please if you have any suggestion they would be mostly appreciated

Brian & Lisa
Yes, several ferries cross the Dardanelles. We crossed from Eceabat to Canakkale a few years ago.

MagBaz has plenty of info on Turkey, see: MagBaz Travels - Countries

Sounds like a great trip, we plan to go back to Turkey in a year or two probably via Italy and Greece, returning through Eastern Europe & the Baltic states.

Yes, several ferries cross the Dardanelles. We crossed from Eceabat to Canakkale a few years ago.

MagBaz has plenty of info on Turkey, see: MagBaz Travels - Countries

Sounds like a great trip, we plan to go back to Turkey in a year or two probably via Italy and Greece, returning through Eastern Europe & the Baltic states.


Thanks Andy have since found the crossing info on the Net, we looked at going from Italy to Greece the prices were just to high for Venice to patra $1300 return did look at going from further down however by the time you added fuel and tolls works out cheaper to go over land and you see more.

We have a member on here seem to think it's something barnaby other members will tell you but he lives in Bulgaria and travels them routes you might get him with a pm??

p.s. just found him in members list Barnybg
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if you fancy taking the boat from patras back to italy you can always get a deal ; we spent a day visiting all the ticket agents there and finally got someone who rolled up all the special offers we got and we got 50% off
Lake Balaton Hungary

Hi Suzie and I wild camped on Balaton last September only one other MH there then but I was told that it can become busy during July and August.
The co ords are N46.71260 E017.33204. It is off the 76 quite close to the M7 near a place called Balatonkeresztur.
We hope that this might be useful.
If you wish for a good site in Budapest, which is a smashing city, I would suggest the site at Zugligeti Ut 99 1121 Budapest. This site although quite costly but does give a free breakfast--- very substantial----and was very friendly. You can also get a good supper very cheaply.
A bus service-----free of charge to OAP's----runs from the camp site exit so you do not have to park in the city. WARNING do not take a taxi as you will pay a fortune for about 200 yards.
If we can help in any other way please ask.
Have a good trip.
Yes we crossed with an 8m Hobby 700 without problem. Have a good trip!
Hi all and thank you for your replies been busy last couple of days getting things ready for the trip, Felix will look at that on the way as we go satellite broadband on the bus.

Thanks again to all

Brian & Lisa

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