Outer Hebrides plans for later this year ...


Full Member
Looking outside and crying off going outside to lie in the snow and try to discover what is the knocking sound from under the van ....(only on the over run when in gear ....) first suspect is rubber doughnut between propshaft and output shaft from gearbox ...
After that it's propshaft ...OR
the bloody gearbox ....ohh well what will be will be .

Anyways thoughts of direction for this years main two weeks trip (West coast and Orkney year before last ) Two weeks by the Beach in North Wales last year ...

This year we were going to head up to Ardnamurchan again BUT I'm being severely tempted by the outer Hebrides ....Barra,Erriskay,South Uist,North Uist,Harris,Lewis...
Just short of £300 for the two of us and van on a 'Hopscotch' ticket which doesnt sound too bad compared to the cost over to Orkney.
We need to go back. Type in the search box theres quite a lot of info from. historical posts. I know i posted a few way back. Toilet dumps etc as, showers etc . You lucky lucky folks 👍
We had a couple of weeks round the hebrides last summer - we didnt find the hopscotch tickets any better value, as with the RET (road equiv tariff) the fares are pretty reasonable now.
We came back to Oban - very long ferry journey (its an old ferry) - waves were crashing over the 4th deck, and was touch ang go in the minch whether the captain turned back...

We had a couple of weeks round the hebrides last summer - we didnt find the hopscotch tickets any better value, as with the RET (road equiv tariff) the fares are pretty reasonable now.
We came back to Oban - very long ferry journey (its an old ferry) - waves were crashing over the 4th deck, and was touch ang go in the minch whether the captain turned back...


Word is that it's no cheaper BUT just means you have an all in one ticket valid for a month or so in one go....
Journey wise...
On way back from Orkney the arse of the ship was lifting so much the propellor was basically spinning in air/bubbles lol
We have just arrived on Uist today my ticket for 3 ferries was £95

Tonight's stunning location
Cracking spot. You can park further up the hill on the top of the dunes. Don’t tell the masses how good it is and no more photos.

Our vans would not get up the hill as the sand was to deep on the track up and was getting stuck so we had to park at the bottom but the views are still cracking SORRY I meant rubbish awful place don’t come people you won’t like it 😙😙😙
I’m sure I saw a post here the other day regarding the outer Hebrides and the shortage of lpg garages.

Anyway we are planning on going this summer and will probably buy the Gaslow fill kit connection hose and a propane bottle as a fail safe system.

At the moment we are going to start at Barra and finish at Harris/Lewis. Are there any ferries worse than others for grounding as our van has quite a long and low rear overhang and some of our dates are close to the low tide warnings.
We did the island hopping south to north last summer. Fantastic experience but VERY busy and will avoid doing such a trip again during July and August.
I’m sure I saw a post here the other day regarding the outer Hebrides and the shortage of lpg garages.

Anyway we are planning on going this summer and will probably buy the Gaslow fill kit connection hose and a propane bottle as a fail safe system.

At the moment we are going to start at Barra and finish at Harris/Lewis. Are there any ferries worse than others for grounding as our van has quite a long and low rear overhang and some of our dates are close to the low tide warnings.

There is one LPG pump on the islands and it was out of order so we had to come back early as one of our traveling companions ran out of gas and it was too cold to stay with no heating.
My van has a very long overhang and not a problem on the ferries here

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