our toyota hiace



Here are photos of our toyota :

We prefered a small van, very simple (bed 2 persons) because when we travel, we love to go in town center for marchés. Spain and south europ's town have very narrow streets :drive:
we are also from France and where-ever you go, you can find this :

Have you got this problem in the UK?
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Yes we do have that problem in UK, however, there are plenty more places without the height restrictions.
We also found out that a lot of villages in France have a 3.5tonne limit, which has restricted us visiting some towns as we are over 3.5t. Life is too short to moan about the limits, we just move on to the next town or village ...easy!:lol-053:
We also found out that a lot of villages in France have a 3.5tonne limit

I think these roadsigns are most of the time to avoid trucks in town-center...
Have you ever been arrested?

Campingcars aren't often welcome in France, it's a paradox for a very touristic country...
But that's why we chooses a small and discret van :)
Campingcars not welcome in France?

Mart1 says Camping cars are not often welcome in France.?? Can he mean that?
When I visit Europe next year I must be certain to avoid France at all costs. No point going where you are not welcome. Oh well! I fancied trying the wine regions. I will have to stick to Spain and Portugal to replenish my stocks.
Hihihi ;)
I confirm what I said :
many height restrictions for parking (and 3t5 as said Beemer)

You can come in France with a big camping car. But near touristic zone, you'll be obliged :
- to go and pay to access a camping car area,
- to go in a camping site,
- to go on a supermarket's parking,

All those cases (crowded, noisy,...) are very far of my philosophy of wild camping (the name of this website isn't it?)
I'm very happy to drive my small toyota :)

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