Our new Autocruise (finally!)


I hope I am going to attach pics of our new m/home, the first one will be me saying 'Do oyou want this dishcloth in your face? Well b*gg*r off with that camera!

No, won't have it - can someone remind me how to downsize the pics please

I hope I am going to attach pics of our new m/home, the first one will be me saying 'Do oyou want this dishcloth in your face? Well b*gg*r off with that camera!

No, won't have it - can someone remind me how to downsize the pics please


Ooo I look forward to seeing the pics Mary...but I dont know how to make the pics smaller my son hleps me with anything that complicated:rolleyes2:
I can do it a really long way round but I'm sure there's free software to do it faster.
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Yeah, that's the first one!

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Very nice Mary, I wish you many roads to travel and decent weather to travel with.


new toy

nice motor , got a starblazer myself, been happy with it from day one
looks lovely, hope you have many miles of happy travels in her :fun:

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