Our Citroen Relay camper / builders van


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The van..side window put in after panelling was done...bit of an afterthought! Cut out peice of ply panel now has become the window screen which slots in the inside at night for privacy. Could not afford blinds and it does a good job.
storage behind the curtain.jpg
Curtains across the rear doors which we dont use, gap behind them is utilised to store clothes on hangers and in hanging mesh storage nets. In the gap we also fit the silver screen, and two folding chairs. Curtains add extra insulation. Doors are panelled with celotex insulation behind the ply.
Triple fold foam chair beds fit very snuggly between the boxed in wheel arches. Bedding stored on top of bed. There is enough room for the beds to fold out full length at night with the cooler box and loo still in place.
cooler etc.jpg
Cooler box keeps cold for 5-7 days, portaloo for emergencies and at night. Table fits behind, towels hang on rail behind driver. The narrow area between the wheel arches and the driver seat was boxed in and holds an amazing amount of stuff...small stove, cooking utensils, crockery, towels, collapsible bucket and washup bowl.
We hang as much as possible on the hooks..the folding ones are great as they dont get knocked when the van is being used in its other life!
The walls, floor and sides are all insulated ply panelled and carpeted. Big ply panels are put on the floor to protect it when its full of tools.
Cargo net on passenger seat back holds shoes, books, etc. Water, first aid kit, picnic blanket and odds and sods are under the seats. Bungees hold anything movable in place when we are on the move.
Still a work in progress as I am sure we will have lots of snags to sort out in practice. This weekend we are off to Norfolk to try it out properly.

Still to name her (or him...OH thinks its male!) at moment Bianca seems to fit.
Sorry about the reflections of me taking photos...not a good photographer!
Have a great weekend in 'her'. You're bound to find something that you need to tweak in your van,cos you don't know till you've used it. But hey the main thing is that you get out and enjoy yourselves

nice van and the idea it can still be a van if required.

what cool box do you.
thats the way to do it!dual purpose,twice as useful.if you take it to portugal you might need a roof vent
scenictraveller...we use a coleman xtreme coldbox. Found a tip ..somewhere...that it works best to cool the box a day before it is needed by putting the cold packs in empty box. This has really worked well, makes sense really. the food warms it up when you first put it in. The coolbox definetely keeps things cold for 5days min, even after the packs have melted.
nbrown..Not planning on taking her to portugal at moment...we dont need such a big van there. Already taken all the bits of furniture etc over in the Berlingo! A roof vent might be an idea though at some stage.

She is now called Blanche...Dave thinks it suits her "cross dressing" function better :)confused:)

Oh and yes Sue, found some tweaks needed!! Designing a "pullout" platform for the bed to go on. Fell over my feet flopping the beds, bit limited room...Dave has a plan...will post when he has made it..we are off to Cornwall at weekend so it will be done by then.

Thanks to the site for the great maps..well worth subscribing!
Bed alterations sorted! Dave decided to build a platform across the wheel arches..seen other on here do that. He made it in two sections which slide toegether in the day to make a sort of settee. This has increased the storage space but mainly has made it easier at night! Had to lose the hanging storage nets behind the curtain, but there is still enough space to hang clothes on hooks fitted on the doors.

100_0502[1].jpg the bare bones" just two thick bits of ply with strengthening batten and a leg fitted to support both sections

100_0501[1].jpg one foam fold out bed in situ, the other makes the back of the seat during the day. Bottom peice of ply is set back a couple of inches and supports the back cushion. (does that make sense??...I know what I mean!!)

100_0503[1].jpg both foam mattresses slipped into kingsize duvet cover which helpfully hangs down at the from to hide the storage! To make the bed just pull front section forward and mmattress drops into place. Quilt blanket and pillows stored on "settee". Its actually really comfortable and makes much more space.
Only issue is that the bed is just 71" long but we spent ages trying it out and decided it was not a problem. Our son is is 6ft 9ins might disagree but as he isnt using it..we did not worry about that!
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