

The new year has started on a bit of a sour note for me, I went away to Leek last weekend and even though I had drained down well before Christmas, the water system still took a little time of warming up before everything was flowing properly, I put this down to maybe ice crystals in the system.
On Sunday as I was preparing to leave the water pump started to hum, I rushed to every tap, nothing amiss so switched off the pump on the panel. I then began an investigation and found water under the kitchen sink in the cupboards and water droplets under the mixer tap.
I left everything til the monday and took the tap out for examination, all appeared o.k. but under a magnifying glass I found a small crack in the plastic body of the unit I heated a screw driver and sealed the plastic which should see me through until I get a replacement (£44.95 from O'Learys). This crack must have been caused by ice crystals trapped in the tap housing, So if a tap wont run leave it until your van is warmed through, (open all cupbaords under sinks) for a good hour at the weekends sort of temps -7.

Then as I was nursing my injured pride and joy a Colleague reversed her 4x4 into the rear light cluster last night in the dark:mad:, causing a large split in the molding. She was as mortified as me but has agreed to pay whatever it costs but.................... I am terrified about things coming in 3s:eek:
Yes ouch !! I would be gutted if someone bumped my M/H, hope you get it sorted.

I reversed into the fence at the lock-up where i keep the van and put a hole in the rear lens .Hymer quoted me £120 as its a full unit ,got one at local caravan repair shop as its the same lens as a lot of caravans still cost me £45 but a big saving
Yes ouch !! I would be gutted if someone bumped my M/H, hope you get it sorted.


Fortunately it is a molding or housing that should be pretty simple to refit or fix .......... BUT:eek: MY Van with a cracked housing for everyone to see:mad::eek:
New light cluster and molding ordered today, £250ish,:eek: teach her to look in the mirror when reversing won't it.;)
frame the old damaged one give it to her as a consalation prize:)
Pleased you are getting it sorted, Im sure she wil be more careful in future,

leaking windows/ rear light

can anyone give me ideas for the top seal of our rear window as the water runs along and drips inside? also talking about people running into motorhomes [because our arse;s do stick out abit in supermarket car parks mine doesn;t of course,a 4x4 backed into us breaking our rear light into a million pieces which my husband which after making a savage attack on said vehicle with his bow and arrow settled himself down with a tube of super glue and a thousand pieces of tail light.
can anyone give me ideas for the top seal of our rear window as the water runs along and drips inside?
sillicon sealent.. if your window rubbers are black then hunt down a tube of black sealent, poundland is my 1st stop and the fish shop the 2nd if i have to make do with the clear stuff they use for fixing leaks in fishtanks.

this can be a messy job but a roll of masking tape and mayb a trim with a stanley blade works wonders for getting a stright edge on the job. have fixed many leaks on car and van windows like this.

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