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Is this you trying to get into the Asda car park in Ashington, Northumberland?


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He thought he'd taken the mini that day.

Then again som e people will overnight anywhere.
Feeling better

Thanks for this one. I don't feel half as stupid as I did. I only reversed into a parked car the other day!!
I know the guy who owns the van,wasn't him driving it at the time tho!! He had lent it to a "friend" but best not mention his name on here.
Howway man Jimmy, give us the full story. :confused:

Does that mean the driver is a member on here?

Good job he is not my friend. :banana:
Howway man Jimmy, give us the full story. :confused:

Does that mean the driver is a member on here?

Good job he is not my friend. :banana:

Yeh Jimmy spill the beans we wont say anything your secret would be safe with us, all of us.
I have no idea if the owner is a member here or not but I will divulge he and the driver (who I'm almost sure wont be a member) are from newbiggin-by-the-sea,northumberland and one if not both will be crying into their beer tonight at a certain pub in the village!
That narrows it down.
Anyone who lives up there drive around and look for a motorhome greatly reduced in hight.
Well I am not going to say too much because I made a basic error in Scotland the other week.

After a night of heavy rain, I decided to move the van on to a hardstanding area as we were moving on that day and I wanted to be sure that we were not bogged down. I forgot about the freestanding step and it finished up underneath the van, jammed between the skirt and the exhaust. :cry:

I had to dig a big hole with a garden trowel to wangle it out from underneath. I was soaked to the skin and covered in mud. My language was very colourful and not for the easily offended. :mad1:
Well I am not going to say too much because I made a basic error in Scotland the other week.

After a night of heavy rain, I decided to move the van on to a hardstanding area as we were moving on that day and I wanted to be sure that we were not bogged down. I forgot about the freestanding step and it finished up underneath the van, jammed between the skirt and the exhaust. :cry:

I had to dig a big hole with a garden trowel to wangle it out from underneath. I was soaked to the skin and covered in mud. My language was very colourful and not for the easily offended. :mad1:

I bet you said flipping heck what a silly billy I've been.
nah, he was trying to make a convertible camper.......gotta be easier with a grinder though........
i never new asda had a chop shop,they are into everything now a days:eek:
there is a lesson to be learned here - if you love your motorhome then never lend it to anyone :idea:
I never knew Asda had a Drive-In like McDonald's does. And another thing, If the Cops saw he was trying to drive up a "No Entry", £60 and 3 points would be the order of the day. ☺☺☺
Our first camper was a pop-top that would (just) fit in multi-storey car parks but I wanted to carry a canoe so I made a roof rack out of a couple of 4x2 beams with a galvanised eye tie down at each end. I forgot that this added around 4" to the height & went back into the car park. :scared: At every beam I had to brake sharply to dip the front "rack" under the beam & then accelerate sharply to duck the rear one under.

To get out, I had to go all the way up to the top storey & then back down again! I managed to miss every single beam bar 2 which I caught glancing blows when I mis-timed my actions.. There was some damage to the galvanising on the eyes but otherwise no problems, a great testament for the strength of the CI Commer Wanderer solid pop-top.

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