

wave:I took down a brick garage to leave just the base so as I could drive our Motor Home between our bungalow extension wall and our next door neighbours garage.
Every time I put our Motor Home away in the back garden I dreaded this happening.
Needless to say I didn’t manage to rescue the situation, a tow truck had to be called.
For what I thought as a fare price of forty pounds they pulled it back onto the base.
I now have a wheel stop in place to prevent this happening again, I used breeze blocks cemented together on the full length of the lip of the end of the base…..
Lets hope my clutch foot doesn’t slip again….


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Ouch.............Could have been very nasty !

Is everything OK underneath ? It looks like it came very close.

Nice to see someone else with " Pattern Imprinted " how do you like it ?

I`ve got it all the way round my house ( 3 sides ) 240 sq mts.

Had mine done with 3 different patterns and colours so it looks like i have a cobbled drive and path,

an ornamental front and a patio at the back.


push a bamboo cane into the gravel with a tennis ball on top so you stop before you hit the lip and you can see how far you got that way yo dont bump your tyres int the sharp edge of the block you could use a bird feeder so it looks pretty but you can see it from the cab so if yo touch it withthe number plate you wil see the bird feeder rattle
All is well underneath thank you graham.
When it happened I was dreading the worst, was expecting a cracked sump but it fell onto several planks of timber which at the time I used as a stop and they softened the impact, the underneath never touched the concrete base, I believe the plastic fuel tank took most of the impact.

The Patterned imprinted concrete I have like yourself all around my bungalow, my driveway also has the cobbled effect. I have it in two colours, my drive is in a darker shade than the rest.

I have a line of blue bricks in front of the breeze blocks that prevent the tyres making contact with the sharpe edge of the breeze blocks thanks ‘oldish hippy’

Those picture were taken several months before I made a lot of alterations in my back garden, it all looks a lot different now.


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Our old neighbour was re-arranging his back garden with a 2 ton mini digger. He managed to topple the digger over on its side while trying to get up a slope. He was lucky as it was at the back of his garage and he had a door there. So he disappears and comes back with a long nylon rope. He tied this to the top roll bar on the digger then up over the tracks and then down to the back bumper on his Mercedes. We then heard to the engine revving and the squeal of tires as he tried to pull it upright. At this point all he had done was tie the car to 2 ton of steel. ( The digger was still on its side ) He then had a brain wave ... You need a longer rope. Off he goes and comes back with a very long tow rope. He ties this to the digger and to the back of his car and accelerates off down the drive. He was pulled up violently by the tow rope which pulled the back bumper off the Mercedes and fired the air bag .. I really wish that we had been talking to them at the time as I would love to have gone round with a camera to assess the damage. From what we could see he had made quiet a mess. The following day two guys turned up with a jack and lots of wood and spent a happy morning jacking and propping until they got the digger back on its tracks. It was hilarious watching from our bedroom window. Elf and Safety certainly not observed ...

Glad you got yourself sorted. Its very annoying when you do something daft ..

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